Fatal Boarding
take several hours, but it can be done. The pilots waiting in
the pressurized scouts will not have a problem with life support
lasting through the operation."
    Grey nodded. "Very good, Paul. Let's quietly
issue the work orders to produce the necessary modifications to the
scout ships. I want them ready if everything else fails. We will
put distance between us and that ship, one way or another.”
    Grey turned to Erin. "I've read the
preliminary report on the life science group’s investigation of the
alien data brought back by Mr. Tarn's team. Do you have conclusions
for me?"
    Erin winced. "I have to report no, Captain.
We cannot say conclusively."
    "Your group is not able to tell me if there
are life forms aboard that ship or not?"
    "There is something, sir. We don't know if
it is some kind of chemical reaction, or absorbed memory. We don't
have enough to go on. I'm sorry."
    "Could we make an attempt to try to
communicate with whatever is on board that ship?"
    "Sir, it would be like one man, trying to
talk to an arena full of people without a microphone. Amplitude is
not a factor in this case. Our signal would be just one more in a
noisy room. We have considered this."
    Grey started to ask something more but was
interrupted by Doctor Pacell. "Captain, there is one possibility
that might assist in this matter, and would serve a dual
    "We are listening, Doctor."
    "I, for one, would like a sample of the
substance that was found on the lower level. That is what this is
all about, after all. It would only need be a very small
collection. A pin drop would do. Using the medical containment
facilities in sick bay, Erin's team could conduct direct studies on
the material. There are a number of very important tests that
should be run on it."
    "Are you hypothesizing that there is a
relationship between the psychological episodes we've been
experiencing on board Electra to the material on that vessel,
    "Captain, I'm sure you realize the incidents
we have had to deal with first began when we arrived here, and have
been increasing in number ever since. I would like to see if I can
find any correlation. That material, as I understand it, radiates
extreme neuronic energy, and that alone is suspiciously
coincidental with the area of problems we have been experiencing.
We need to understand if there is a direct relationship, what the
actual effects could be, and what the proper response should be. I
consider this very important. When we do depart this area of space,
we cannot be sure that if these problems are related to that ship
over there, they will subside."
    Grey looked at Tolson and shook his head in
reluctance. "Doctor, Commander Tolson and I have already discussed
this. You are suggesting sending another EVA team over there, of
    "If we do not, we will leave here not
knowing, Captain? And, if the problems we're having continued to
spread and escalate, would we then be forced to come back for
    The Captain looked down and shook his head,
    "I believe the incidents of nightmares,
memory loss, and the unexplained fight that took place in main
engineering all to be related, Captain. We are just lucky more
serious damage was not done to the ship."
    Grey sat back in his seat and cast a
dejected stare at his chief safety officer. "Ray, the next time you
warn me not to deviate from mission planning, remind me to listen,

Chapter 12
    The 23:00 meeting in the bridge conference
room lasted slightly more than two hours. To my relief, the
decision about a second EVA was put off. The corridors that led to
my stateroom seemed lonely and too quiet, but when the doors slid
open, there was someone waiting.
    Nira turned in the seat by my desk to face
me as I entered. Her shiny-black hair was tied back near the crown
of her head. Diamond earrings twisted and sparkled in the bright
room light. She had on a shear, body fitting evening gown that hung
open at the neck. Carefully

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