Fat hen farm 01- Killer tracks

Fat hen farm 01- Killer tracks by Sandy Vale

Book: Fat hen farm 01- Killer tracks by Sandy Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Vale
sensed something because he came back too. He took one look at Max holding Candy down and just shook his head and grinned.
    “Miss Kitty, I told you that dog is special.”
    Sam cal ed Max away so Frank could cuff Candy and get her loaded into the police car.
    Frank didn’t even ask. He just looked at Kitty and waited for an explanation.
    “Let’s go inside and I’l fil you in on the details.”
    Kitty sped through a quick version of the last hour. “Candy was waiting for us when we got back from our walk. She said she’s been waiting for a chance to finish me off, too. Max knocked her over and grabbed her arm, holding her until you came. She kil ed Roger because she thought he was cheating on her. Something must have snapped in her.”
    “I guess that solves everything.” Frank smiled at Kitty and Tina.
    “What about Jimmie and Glenda? Were they involved too? And the guy in Roger’s office?”
    “No. Jimmie was starting to suspect something was wrong but had no idea David was moving stolen cars through his lot. Glenda had copied a lot of files but didn’t know anything either. The black car they were driving had dealer plates, it wasn’t the one that had been fol owing you. The guy that took the files from you in David’s office was driving the car that had been fol owing you. He admitted to everything after Herb picked him up.
    He’s agreed to help us find everyone involved with the stolen cars in exchange for a reduced sentence. David was the first he ratted on. Everything started to fal apart when Roger was murdered. It wasn’t connected but it got our attention because we assumed there was a connection. If Candy had been a little more patient, she may have been able to have the man and the life she always wanted. Now, she’l have a life in prison for murder and attempted murder.”
    Frank added. “I guess you can get back to focusing on your farm Kitty. Take care of that dog of yours.”
    “You’l be leaving now, Frank?” Kitty asked.
    “Not quite yet. I stil have some unfinished business. I promised someone a dinner and I never break a promise.” Frank looked a Kitty with a big grin.
    Now it was Tina’s turn to be confused. “Who are you taking out to dinner?” Then she saw the smile on Kitty’s face and figured it out.
    I think this cal s for a celebration. “Sam, are you stil here?” Tina cal ed.
    “Yup. I’m in the kitchen talking to Max.”
    Tina walked into the kitchen. “We’re having a drink. Care to join us?”
    “Don’t mind if I do.”
    Tina poured four glasses of wine. “Here’s to a new start for you, Kitty, and to good friends.”
    “Thanks everyone. I’m feeling extremely lucky today to have al of you in my life. And you too Max.” Max jumped up and gave Kitty a lick, almost spil ing her drink.

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