Fast Lane
and try to let him down as gently as possible. God, I hope he doesn’t freak the hell out.”
    “Get your ass out the door, woman, or I’m leaving without you,” she says on her way out. “The cab just pulled up.”
    “Alright. I’m coming.” I say, pushing myself up off the couch. I grab my purse and follow Brea out, locking the door behind us.

    WE ARRIVE AT Mary Jane’s and get seated at a table in the center of the main dining area. After a few moments, a waiter approaches our table. Nice looking guy. Tall, fit, short blonde hair, and blue eyes. I’m such a sucker for gorgeous eyes.
    “Good evening, my name is Jared. What can I get you lovely ladies to drink?” he asks, never seeming to break eye contact with Brea. I loudly clear my throat and smile in amusement. Brea is gorgeous, and all the men notice.
    “I’ll have a Whiskey Sour, please, and a bottle of beer.”
    “And for you, darlin’?” he asks Brea. She blushes.
    “Ummm, I’ll have a Strawberry Margarita, please.”
    “Sure thing. I’ll be back with those for you both shortly,” he says, winking at Brea as he turns and strides away from our table. Brea is watching him the entire time. Once he’s out of sight, she glances at me out of the corner of her eye and starts to smirk.
    “Oh my God, Brea.” We both burst out laughing like we’re back in first grade. She doesn’t even have to say anything. She just gives me that certain look and I know exactly what she’s thinking: he’s hot. Just as the laughter subsides, she glances behind me toward the door, and her eyes become the size of sand dollars. “Bre…what’s—” A hand touches my shoulder, and I know immediately that it’s Patrick. Shit! Shit shit shit!
    “Babe, what are you doing here?” he asks. His brow is furrowed, and he looks confused. “I thought you said you had to work tonight.”
    “Uh, hi, Patrick, about that…”
    Brea abruptly chimes in, “Oh they called her when she was on her way saying they didn’t need her anymore. I happened to be close by, so I snatched her up for a little girl time.”
    Thank you! I mouth. I don’t want Patrick to see.
    “Well, you girls don’t mind if I join you for a drink, do you? I was just going to grab some take-out, but since you’re here I think I’ll stay.” He slides in next to me and places his arm around my neck.
    “Of course we don’t mind,” Brea says. Just then, Jared comes back with our drinks. His mood seems to have changed. My guess is he’s a little perturbed by Patrick’s sudden appearance. Right there with ya, buddy. Right there with ya .
    “Uh, hey man, what can I get you to drink?” Jared asks.
    “I’ll just have a Pepsi,” Patrick says dryly.
    “I’ll be right back with that,” Jared says, giving Brea another sweet look as he rushes off.
    “So, Patrick, what’s your band working on right now?” Brea asks. I know she only asked to keep him distracted from wanting to bother me. Patrick and his band mostly play on weekends at local bars and small charity events. He places his hand on my leg. It rests there while he proceeds to ramble on and on to Brea about the next set list they’re working on. He’ll jump at any chance to talk about himself.
    “Our new set list is so flawless, Brea. We’re going to be booked every weekend for the next three months at least. Our next show is at the tavern on Highway 68 next Saturday night.”
    Jared comes back right away with Patrick’s drink and takes the rest of our order. Thank God it doesn’t take long to get our food. I’m anxious to eat and get out of here. Fast. As I throw back my third drink, I realize I have a pretty good buzz going on. I’m a lightweight, what can I say .
    Maybe now would be a great time to end it with Patrick, while I have the courage. It’s almost like it was meant to be that he showed up and ruined our girl’s night. Like some greater power is trying to tell me to just hurry up and get it over with . I’ve

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