Fan The Flames (Man Of The Month Book 3)
    “Let’s table it for another time,” Scarlett said. “I’ll say it was a great kiss and we’ll leave it at that for now. My mom’s on her way.”
    “Okay. Fair. I hope this didn’t ruin it.”
    “No. Not at all. And I loved dressing up. It’s back to sweats by morning.”
    “You look great in anything.” He looked at her and meant it. She could wear sackcloth and he’d want her.
    She blushed. “Thank you.” Those bright green eyes waited expectantly.
    He lowered his head, this time giving her a proper good night kiss, which was a light kiss on the lips. Still, an electric shock reverberated through him as his lips touched hers. “Thanks again for tonight.”
    “You’re welcome,” Scarlett said—did he hear breathlessness or had he imagined it? “I want to do it again.”
    “What part? The dancing? The…”
    She kissed him quickly once more as footsteps sounded on the stairs. “All of it.”
    “Okay, I’m ready,” her mom said, appearing back in the room with a purse thrown over her arm. Brad turned away, hiding the erection that kept making untimely appearances. “Shall we?”
    With coat secure, Brad led her mother through the back door. Behind them, Scarlett waved and set the alarm.
    “So it was a good night?” Bernadette asked. The windchill gladly worked like a cold shower.
    “The ball was fun. I’m sure Scarlett will tell you all about it tomorrow.”
    “So she had fun?” He heard the worry in Bernadette’s voice.
    “She did. We danced.”
    He could literally feel the tension leave Bernadette as she exhaled. “Perfect. I’ve so wanted her to have fun. To realize her life isn’t over. Thank you so much, Brad, for all of this. For taking care of her and letting her live a little. You helped her save face, and I’ll be forever grateful for that.”
    “I’m glad she’s here too. Todd wouldn’t want her wallowing.”
    “No, he wouldn’t. He’d want her to move on with her life. Realize that while Colleen is important, she is more than just a mom. That’s she’s a woman with her own dreams too.”
    He opened her car door. “Get in and start her up. Your car probably won’t even be warm by the time you get home.”
    “Going,” Bernadette said. “Oh, this seat is cold. Luckily I’ve got heated seats. Will we see you at church Sunday?”
    “Probably not,” Brad admitted. He’d given up on any kind of faith long ago.
    “You sure? You could join us,” she offered expectantly. “Go out to a long lunch with us afterward. We’d love to have you.”
    “Thanks, but I’ve got a lot of work to finish here. Maybe another time.” He shut the door and watched as she backed up and went down the alley before heading upstairs to his tiny studio. There he stripped off his tux and folded it neatly, readying it for the dry cleaner. He stripped down to nothing, slid underneath the heavy down comforter that kept away any chill. Closed his eyes.
    An image of Scarlett laughing floated into the black space behind his eyelids. They’d been dancing, and she’d thrown back her head and waved her hands in the air, fully in the moment. She’d been beautiful. But then to him, she always had been. And when they’d kissed, it had been all he wanted and more. Her breast had fit perfectly in his hand, and he’d felt the rise of her nipple … he turned rock hard. Touched himself until the need abated and his brain cleared.
    Afterward, he lay there staring at the ceiling. He’d held himself aloof for ten years around her, never allowing her to get close. Was this finally their chance? He thought of the first letter Todd had sent him. He’d long ago memorized every word:
    This is a heavy task to put on a bud, but we’ve been friends for too long to mince words. I’ve enclosed a letter for Scarlett. I need you to keep it until she’s ready to see it. How will you know? When she finds someone and you think she’s falling in love. I don’t want her to be alone, but she’s always so

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