Falling to Ash
‘All of this is a formality. We have already reached our verdict.’
    Theo straightened his shoulders. ‘You have not yet deliberated the matter.’
    ‘This order comes from on high.’
    He must mean from the Council, I thought. I bit my lip and waited. Why go through all of this . . . charade, if Theo’s fate had already been decided? I knew the answer to that the moment I thought it: vampires were all about ritual and performance, in private settings such as this. It was important to meet me, see what Theo had made (literally), and hear what he had to say.
    Theo locked eyes with Solomon. ‘And what do the High Council have to say?’
    Solomon stood in a graceful movement that belied his size. ‘A loss of control in the head of a Family the size of Boston’s vampire community would, ordinarily, be . . . unforgiveable.’ He paused, letting the weight of that word sink in like fangs into virgin flesh. ‘However—’
    I saw Kyle lean forward, almost imperceptibly. I wondered what he would do if Solomon’s punishment for Theo was too great.
    ‘However,’ repeated the Elder vampire of Massachusetts, ‘it is the finding of this gathering that Theo is too valuable an asset to lose.’
    Relief washed over me and I gripped my hands tightly together.
    ‘It is the hope of the High Council, Theo, that one day you will perhaps take a seat at their table. I know it will come as no surprise to you that they have long considered you my natural successor, as Elder of this Enclave, should I be elevated to the High Council. But you also know that your recent actions with the fledgling now known as Moth have put your position in grave danger.’
    I wondered if Solomon saw the irony in his choice of words. I suppressed a slightly hysterical giggle, almost clapping my hand over my mouth but just stopping myself in time.
    He smiled, displaying terrifyingly long fangs that seemed super-white against his dark skin. ‘You have set yourself back some years with a loss of composure more suited to a newly Made vampire.’
    Solomon shook his head slowly, playing his role to the fullest. I felt like rolling my eyes, but was scared he’d see me even though he wasn’t looking my way. He was tricky, this one.
    ‘In order to prove yourself worthy of your position – and of the faith placed in you by the Council – you will complete a task. A challenge, if you will.’ Solomon’s gaze hardened.
    Theo nodded. ‘I can complete any challenge you see fit to set me. Kyle, my Enforcer, can keep watch on my people if the task involves travel, but I am more than capable of taking whatever action is required.’
,’ Solomon said.
    ‘Personally,’ Theo said.
    ‘Good, then we are all in agreement. Your undertaking is simple: you will find and kill the hunter Thomas Murdoch. And
you must be there at the kill
. Just sending someone else to do your bidding will not be enough. I want his head – and so do the High Council. I want you to bring it to me,
. Do this, and your recent transgression will be overlooked. You will be permitted to keep Moth in your Family and, more importantly, you will retain your position.’
My mind raced and I tried to wipe the expression of shock off my face. My cell phone burned a hole in my pocket as I remembered the text message from Jace. I lowered my head again, nervously running my tongue over my fangs. I peeked at Theo from behind my hair.
    He was nodding, his face an unreadable mask. I knew he must be furious. He’d already failed to find Thomas Murdoch, and that was even before he’d been given specific orders by the Council. I wondered if now was the time for me to tell my Maker about my run-in – and unexpected alliance – with Jace.
Yeah, that’s a great idea
, I told myself sarcastically.
    ‘How long do I have?’ Theo asked. There was always a time limit on these things; he knew the way the game was played.
    ‘One week.’
. I shifted uncomfortably.

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