Falling For Jack

Falling For Jack by Christina Carlisle Page B

Book: Falling For Jack by Christina Carlisle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Carlisle
Tags: Romance
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lunch. He was bewitched by her beauty and gentle manner but he worried for her and couldn’t determine why. She should be fine returning to the loving arms of her family. However, he had been surprised at the cool greeting she had received from her parents. Perhaps they were different when there wasn’t a stranger present or perhaps they were mad at her for breaking ranks and daring to live her life as she wanted. He didn’t know, but he didn’t like what he saw. Lara shouldn’t be treated in this almost callous way.
    He studied Carl, who was a good-looking man and at thirty-three, was the same age as him. But, for all of Carl’s handsome features, there was a sulky petulance in his manner and signs of a weak character in the lines around his mouth and chin.
    Jack fidgeted again, moving restlessly in the velvet upright chair. The five of them were seated in what he understood was the small salon, except it was huge. The king and queen sat at either end of the magnificent dining table, which was laden with silverware with a low display of yellow roses as a centerpiece. Servants had hovered nearby to serve the three course meal and accompanying wines. This probably accounted for the stilted conversation, because there was no way this family was going to discuss anything of a personal nature in front of the staff.
    Even so, he didn’t understand why the king and queen hadn’t questioned him about his background and businesses. They were definitely keeping something from Lara and…so was he. Frowning, he decided he would explain things to her as soon as he could. That, in fact, he wasn’t the poor fisherman she thought he was, but was wealthy—substantially wealthy, even by this family’s standards.
    He noticed Lara refused a port with her coffee, as she had refused the wines during the meal. He had done the same, not because he wouldn’t have enjoyed them, but he wanted to have all his faculties on red alert if he had to deal with any awkward questions. Carl, on the other hand, had freely indulged and was now motioning to the butler to refill his port glass. His cheeks were flushed from the amount of alcohol he had consumed and his voice was becoming louder by the moment.
    As the last servant departed, Carl turned to Queen Francesca. “Mummy, I’m flying to Monaco tomorrow for a few days.”
    Francesca looked reproachfully at her son. “Not again, surely. You were only there last week.”
    “Well, I don’t have any official engagements and I’m not required to attend the ball. Quite honestly, I’m sick of this freezing weather. I need to get away.”
    “Seeing we have a guest staying with us, I would think you could stay and entertain him,” Johann said crisply.
    Jack exchanged a glance with Lara who instantly lowered her eyes. He took a sip of his coffee. Hmm, a family disagreement. Interesting .
    “Sir, Mr. Lucas is Lara’s guest, not mine. I’m sure he won’t mind if I disappear for a few days, would you, Jack?”
    Yep. Drop me in it, why don’t you. He decided he didn’t particularly like the Crown Prince.
    Francesca hurriedly came to Jack’s rescue. “We will discuss this later, Carl. Mr. Lucas, would you like Lara to take you riding this afternoon if you’re not too jet-lagged? We have excellent horses and a superb indoor school.”
    “Are you mad, Mother? Lara shouldn’t go riding in her condition.”
    Following Carl’s outspoken statement, there was an embarrassing silence. Even Carl realized he had blundered but was too intoxicated to let it go. “Well, she shouldn’t. It’s no good avoiding the issue and pretending Jack is here for any other reason than the fact that Lara is having his baby.”
    Lara turned on Carl, her color high as her eyes flashed with fury. “Shut up, Carl. You’re drunk.”
    Jack decided it was time to defuse the situation. He turned to Francesca. “Actually, I don’t ride.”
    “You don’t ride?” The voices of the king and queen and Carl were in unison

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