Falling For A Redneck

Falling For A Redneck by Eve Langlais

Book: Falling For A Redneck by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
Tags: Romance
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he shook his head. “Dude, seriously? How is it you don’t starve?”
    “Oh , I never worry about that. Every woman I meet wants to feed me,” Andy said with a wink at Marissa.
    Marissa frowned at him. His impertinence and boyish grins wouldn’t work on her.
    “Okay , boys, I’m hungry, and I’ll bet you are too. What should we make for lunch?”
    “PANCAKES!” screamed the two youngsters without hesitation . Mason jumped off her lap to hop up and down with Avery, who sloshed the glass of water he’d fetched all over the floor. Marissa itched to grab a towel and wipe it.
    She also winced at the continued noise level . For two little boys, they made an awful racket.
    Dirk shrugged at her apologetically. “Boys, we gotta keep it quiet for Marissa. Her head still hurts. Speaking of which, doc said you could take Advil or Tylenol for the pain. Want some now? It’s been a few hours since your last dose.”
    Marissa nodded her head and instantly regretted it.
    As Dirk turned and walked away, she couldn’t help but admire the view of his ass encased in snug jeans. An ass she’d like to— Embarrassed by the train of her thoughts, she looked away, only to discover she’d gotten caught ogling.
    A wide grin stretched Andy’s lips. “So you and the boss are an item, huh?”
    “No,” she stated. Unless you counted having frantic sex on the wall of her front hall as a relationship.
    Apparently he didn’t believe her because he chuckled. “Hey, it’s okay. I didn’t mean to embarrass you or nothing. The boss is a good guy. He could use a nice lady in his life.”
    Nice? Me? It seemed Dirk hadn’t let his friend know about the bitch next door. Marissa felt like asking Andy if he knew whether or not Dirk had many ladies in his life but kept her mouth shut. She didn’t care about his previous or current paramours, so why then was she grinding her teeth?
    Dirk returned and handed her the pain relievers along with the rescued glass of water. When a crash sounded from the kitchen, he shot a worried look over his shoulder. “Be right back.” Off he jogged into what she guessed was the kitchen area.
    Andy chuckled. “Those boys are a handful. Good handful, but man, I don’t know how he keeps up with them. Well, I gotta go. Nice to meet you, Marissa.” With a saucy grin, Andy left, and Marissa, alone for the moment, could now assess exactly where she sat.
    While not dirty, the living room area certainly appeared lived in. From the toys scattered on the floor to the battered coffee table and sagging couch, the room screamed family. A modest television sat on a plain stand, and the floors were a scuffed hardwood. The chair she sat in, a huge plaid recliner, looked worn but well-loved judging by its position of prominence in the room.
    She wondered what Dirk’s bedroom looked like then immediately chastised herself. Surely , she had no interest in visiting that room, although, if he kissed her again like he had last night, they’d need a new place to baptize.
    Who am I kidding? I want him to touch me again. Stupid, sexy redneck. Can’t believe he made me see fireworks last night. Of all the people to waken her to the fact her body still had needs, she couldn’t believe he was the one.
    Odder still, she was beginning to appreciate him for more than just his body and erotic skill. It seemed more met the eye than just the rough exterior he presented to the world.
    Judging by the high-pitched giggles of the boys and the rumble of Dirk laughing, they were having fun in the kitchen. Curious, and somewhat medicated now so that the throb in her head was down to a dull ache, Marissa eased out of the chair and edged toward the doorway. She stopped and stared at the scene of chaos.
    The boys each stood on a kitchen chair at the kitchen’s big countertop island. Dirk had a big mixing bowl in front of him, and the boys were pouring in each ingredient as Dirk handed it to them. Mason dumped a cup of flour in the bowl, and a puff

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