Fall of Thanes

Fall of Thanes by Brian Ruckley

Book: Fall of Thanes by Brian Ruckley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Ruckley
Tags: dark fantasy
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ask me to shed whatever little meaning I have had now, in the twilight of my life." Nyve smiled, as if feeling the glow of that very twilight on his skin. "The ascendancy of the creed is closer than ever before. By whatever means, however unexpectedly, Shraeve has restored us--the Inkalls--to heights we have not seen in many years. It is to us that the people look now for guidance, not the Thanes. If we pull back, hesitate, would we not make a lie of the long lives we have led? Would we not be denying the very purpose that has been our guide? I am too old to make such changes, friend. We both are. We've always been in the hands of fate. That the journey along the Road has become tortuous does not change that."
    Theor nodded. He understood. He felt it himself: the nagging sense that whatever doubts now assailed him were a betrayal of something precious and central to him. That if he surrendered to them, he would render himself, and the life he had lived, entirely empty. Still, those doubts were there. As was the insidious, all but heretical, fear that fate was somehow going astray from its proper path.
    "Do you sleep well?" he asked Nyve. "Are your dreams troubled?"
    There was only the briefest moment of hesitation. "I dream of violence. And of death. But I have always done so. They've been my sleep-companions as long as I can remember. And you? Is your rest uneasy?"
    "It is." Theor had to hold himself back. Some things he could not share, even with this oldest of friends. The waking dreams brought by seerstem belonged to the Lore, and only to the Lore. Yet a part of him wanted to tell Nyve how harsh and inhospitable the inner territories that seerstem opened up had become. The herb had blackened Theor's lips over the years: the smallest of prices to pay for the comfort and insight it had brought. But whatever it brought now, it was not comfort. Fear, sometimes. Doubt. It obscured where once it had clarified. The strange dreamlands that lay beyond the seerstem gate were bleak and unwelcoming. There was always the sensation of someone looking over his shoulder, or some movement just beyond the corner of his dreaming eye.
    "I'm tired," he murmured. "Perhaps that's all it is. Perhaps I grow too old and weak to face the unfolding of fate's great plan."
    "You've a few years in you yet," Nyve grunted.
    "Perhaps. I am to meet with Ragnor oc Gyre. Down in Kan Dredar. He refuses to come to the Sanctuary, which is as sure a sign as you could wish for of his fraying patience. I thought perhaps you could provide me with an escort. I hear that there is unrest in the town. Riots. Killings."
    "You shall have as fine a guard of my ravens as you wish, First." Nyve chuckled. "It will do our High Thane good to see that all the Children of the Hundred stand shoulder to shoulder in this. And that the Battle still has enough swords here to put on a show."
    Theor smiled, and in smiling tried to pull taut the old, secure strands of his friendship with the master of the Battle. But there was a looseness in them that had never been there before, and he could not overcome it. The profound agreement of their instincts had always persisted without having to be spoken. Now, he felt it to be seamed with faint flaws that could not be patched with words, or with mere affection. He secretly and fearfully mourned the loss of its perfection.

    Taim Narran cast an experienced eye over the host of the Black Road as it edged its way up the road towards Ive. Only a few hundred, he thought, yet the knowledge brought none of the relief he might have expected. Rather, he felt an empty despair at the prospect of inevitable slaughter, and the knowledge that victory or defeat today would bring no release for any save the dead. There must be light somewhere amidst this darkness, he thought, but he seemed to have lost the ability to detect its gleam.
    "Move the horsemen out to the right flank," he said quietly. "They don't look to have any horses of their own. Perhaps

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