Fair Play

Fair Play by Dakota Madison

Book: Fair Play by Dakota Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Madison
how hard she tries.
    I let out a fake yawn. “I’m getting tired,” I say then glance over at Roxie.
    “Me, too,” Roxie agrees. “We’ve got school tomorrow.”
    “So do I,” Rainy says quickly and I sense that she’s ready to escape. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when she goes back to her place.
    As the three of us exit The Cavern, we run into two girls and a guy who Rainy seems to know. One of the girls, a red head, is obviously related to the guy, who is also sporting a mop of red hair. He kind of looks familiar but I’m not sure why. The other girl is decked out in all black and looks tough. I wouldn’t want to run into her alone in a dark alley.
    “Keira and Roxie,” Rainy says, “this is my roommate, Olivia; her brother, Lucas and her girlfriend, Marney.”
    When Olivia’s face twists in confusion, Rainy says, “ Keira is an old friend of Aaron’s and she’s in his graduate program as is Roxie.”
    Recognition seems to cross over Olivia’s face and I’m sure she and Rainy have talked about me before. Then I remember where I ’ve seen her brother, Lucas. He was the guy who came to pick Rainy up from Aaron’s family lake house during Spring Break when Rainy freaked out and ran away. The way the guy looks at Rainy it’s obvious he’s completely in love with her.
    Olivia turns and glares at me. “Rainy has told me a lot about you.” She says it with such disdain, I know it’s not a compliment.
    Marney gives me a menacing look and it sends a few shivers through me. I’m rarely intimidated by anyone but she is definitely not someone I want to mess with. When I glance at Lucas, he looks like he wants to crawl into a hole. He seems to be the type of person who likes to avoid conflict.
    “I should throw a little housewarming party and invite you all over to my new place,” I say as sweetly as I can. “Any friends of Rainy’s are friends of mine.” I add a sickeningly sweet smile for emphasis. Of course, actually having them at my house is something I’ll probably never in a million years do but they don’t have to know that.
    Olivia, Marney and Lucas all glance over at Rainy and I can see her eyes are wide with concern. I’m sure the last thing she’s expecting is for me to try to befriend her friends. I like keeping her on her toes. The more I can keep her off-balance the easier it will be to topple her when the time comes.
    “My place is right next to Aaron’s,” I say matter-of-factly but I like to rub in the fact that I live a lot closer to her man than Rainy does. Her man . I can’t stand saying those two words even to myself. Aaron is supposed to be my man.
    “Well, Dude and Dudettes,” Roxie says. “It’s been fun but I’m outtie.”
    When everyone turns to face Roxie, Marney says, “You look familiar. Have we met before? Possibly at a Pridefest?”
    Roxie shakes her head. “I have yet to meet a girl I’d do the nasty with,” Roxie says. “Besides, I love the cock too much.”
    Lucas chokes and when we all look over at him, I can see his face is turning bright red. I think Roxie may be a bit more than he can handle.
    Marney narrows her eyes as if she’s trying to figure out how she knows Roxie.
    “Oh, for God’s sake,” I say trying very hard not to show my frustration with the entire crew. “She’s a reality television star.”
    Marney’s eyes light up when she finally makes the connection. “You’re one of the Trailer Park Trio.”
    Roxie smiles. “Guilty as charged.”
    As if on cue, Marney, Olivia and Lucas all turn to face me as if they suddenly can’t figure out why I’m friends with Roxie. “We’re in the same study group,” I explain.
    “And by study group, she means we’re drinking buddies,” Roxie adds. “Well, I really do have to motor. See you tomorrow, Skinny Ass.”
    As Roxie makes her way past me, I reply, “See you tomorrow, Fat Ass.” When I turn back to the rest of the group, they are all looking at me stunned. “We really do

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