west. In your mind’s eye, recall the most beautiful water scene you can remember, such as a quiet
moment by a stream, or a snorkeling trip in a tropical pool.
Keep the peaceful visualization going while you say:
“Hail undines, elementals of water, boldly evoking
the feelings of God within all people who dare. I send my
greetings to you in your realms. I offer you my respect and mindfulness. Blessed be!”
Cautionary Rules of Thumb with Elementals
As mentioned before, it is widely believed that elementals are mischievous tricksters at best and untamable wild dangers at worst. As a result, particular rules have developed Communicating with Elementals to Understand and Help Your Life • 91
in Western magical systems that aim to prevent elemental
energies from affecting you at times and in ways you do not want.
Be Polite
The first rule of thumb is to always give elementals the
courtesy of freedom. There are differing schools of thought on whether an elemental should be commanded or asked
for help or participation. Many magical traditions include the practice of ordering elementals around or even threatening them. Using an authoritative voice with elemen-
tals is not necessarily wrong, but for now consider using
phrases that sound more like polite requests. Pretend that the elementals are newly met family members you are just
getting to know. In time, you may easily be able to call out demands and the elementals will know that you respect and
care about them. But if a newly introduced stranger barks
out the same command, an elemental may be tempted to
react like an unruly child.
Another practice that beginners should avoid is impris-
oning elementals within any sort of fetter like a statue,
stone, or piece of jewelry. Although some people keep ele-
mentals in a physical form for rituals, it is a tremendous responsibility, far greater than for any pet.
A good friend of mine was once involved in magical
practices that led him to imprison elementals. He grew
toward a more peaceful live-and-let-live spirituality with age, but he still kept his elemental fetters. At one point, he showed them to me. One was a glittering amethyst crystal,
the other he claimed to actually be a part of a human jaw-
92 • Chapter Two
bone. Both objects left me squirming uncomfortably; I felt what seemed like a powerful force of rage emanating from
them. Even though the crystal was beautiful, I wanted nothing more than to leave its presence and beat a hasty retreat from my friend’s home.
Keeping those elementals required great energy and
attention, all provided by my friend. After my visit, the
events that followed in his life were related to his affront to the earth elementals, I believe. He was unable to hold down his place of living or his job. He ended up having severe
issues with his friendships (yes, including the friendship he shared with me), and he ended up leaving his social circle and spiritual practice behind. I can only hope that he has released the elementals and moved on with his life. Holding any entity against its will can also have consequences if it were to break free and do mischief or take revenge on your home or upon a loved one. Again, allow elementals
the courtesy of freedom.
Give Offerings
Of course, giving a gift to an honored guest is part of being polite. However, more than just being a courtesy to the elementals, giving them an offering helps them to do their
work. Think of it as a physical law of exchange, in which
what you put into the working is exactly what you get
out of it. Putting time and thought into what you might
offer to an elemental will help you receive greater blessings from that elemental in exchange. Traditional offerings have included food and drink, or symbolic representations of
Communicating with Elementals to Understand and Help Your Life • 93
the elemental. You can always add herbs as an offering to
any ritual in order to increase its power.
Amy M Reade
Skye Malone, Megan Joel Peterson
Angela Richardson
Catharina Shields
Jianne Carlo
James Runcie
Leo Charles Taylor
Julie Cantrell
Mitzi Vaughn
Lynn Hagen