Facing Redemption

Facing Redemption by Kimberly McKay Page B

Book: Facing Redemption by Kimberly McKay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly McKay
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                  “Okay - okay!”  Anne said as she grabbed her purse and smiled out the door. 
                  With a quick meeting on the agenda and the night free, Anne thought it was a perfect night to surprise her boyfriend with a date night.  Brent was a college professor and worked almost as many late nights as she did.
                  She flipped her cell phone open for the second time, scrolled down for his name, and waited for him to answer.  She couldn’t wait to surprise him with an evening alone.
                  “Hey there babe,” she said as he picked up.
                  “Uh Anne.  Um, I thought you’d be at work.  What’s up?”
                  “Well don’t be too excited to hear from me.”  Anne replied.  This wasn’t the reaction she usually received when she called, and was about to write it off to his busy schedule until she heard a giggle in the background of their conversation.  “Who’s that?”  She asked as her radar went up.
                  “Um … no one.  It is uh, just a student of mine, who just dropped off a paper … for extra credit.”
                  “At this hour?”  She looked to her watch, which read seven forty-five p.m.  The only sound she heard was a muffled hush and then a soft door closing in the background.
                  “Uh yeah, see you later.  Thanks for stopping by.”  Brent said to his student, almost too professionally.
                  “Extra credit?”  She asked again, voice rising.
                  “Now don’t go and get the wrong idea.” 
                  “Wrong idea?  Who said anything about wrong idea?  Why would you bring that up?  Guilty conscience Brent?”  Anne yelled into her phone.
                  “Really Anne,” he sputtered.  “It’s not what you think.  Langston really was here for extra credit.”
                  “Brent, are you at your office? Or at home?”  Anne heard nothing in reply.  “You’re not at your office are you?  Don’t lie to me!”
                  Brent let out a ragged breathe.  “I’m at home.”
                  Anne reached her car and slid into the front seat.  She couldn’t believe what was happening.  How could he?  He was lying and doing a horrible job of covering it up.
                  “Anne?”  Brent asked in desperation.  “Are you still there?”
                  “No, Brent.  I’m not.”  And with that she hung up the phone and drove home.  In one week, she lost her best friend and her boyfriend.
                  Immediately her phone started to ring.  Brent’s face popped up on the caller ID.  She promptly hit ignore and turned off her phone. 
    Chapter 18 
    Jesse shook hands with his staff and said his goodbyes after their latest meeting for the city planning session.  They were about to develop new trails to combine all the lakes in the Oklahoma City area, which would take multiple meetings to make happen.  The city had passed the tax and now it was up to him and his staff to get the bids in and start the process rolling.
    It should have been something exciting for him, except his mind was plagued with John’s letters that sat in his briefcase.  After reading the first one Chastity sent back from Venice, it’s all he could think about for weeks.  His curiosity was getting the best of him and, unlike Chastity, he wanted to read the rest.  At one point he had a connection with his little brother and needed to find out if there was a chance to change their relationship.  He thought the letters might give him insight to the man his brother really was, and he felt he owed that to himself. 
    He quickly crossed the floor to shut his door, before dialing Chastity’s number.  She picked up

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