Facing Redemption

Facing Redemption by Kimberly McKay Page A

Book: Facing Redemption by Kimberly McKay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly McKay
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little out of her comfort level.
    “Something new?  I assume?”  Anne teased trying to reach for the cloth.
    Chastity smacked her hand and gently pushed her back toward the bar for their food.  “Yes, and if you know what’s good for you – you’ll back off.”
    Anne laughed, conceding.  She liked pushing her friend’s buttons.  It was one of the things she’d miss most about her.  Suddenly it hit her that she wouldn’t have this anymore.  In just a few short weeks, her best friend was moving – and she wasn’t sure how she was going to get over that.
    “Okay … okay,” she conceded.  “Let’s eat.  I’m starving.”
    “When are you not?”
    This time Chastity was the one on the end of a harsh stare. 
    Chapter 17
    Anne knew Chastity had her reasons for moving, and they were good ones.  Who wouldn’t move mountains to find the love of their life?  She just hoped her friend wasn’t going to get her heart broken.  She felt responsible for Chastity.  After all these years, she felt like her sister more than just a friend.
                  I wish I knew what my own sister was up to.   Anne absentmindedly grabbed her cell to call her little sister Grace, but knew it wouldn’t result in the desired effect.
                  Instead of dialing, she sent a text.
                  You’re such a chicken Annabel.
                  Quickly she typed in, ‘Just thinking about you.  I miss you.’
                  When nothing came in reply, she wasn’t surprised.  It’d been years since they’d had any sort of relationship.  Her sister felt she’d abandoned her, and Anne didn’t blame her.  Her little sister, Grace, was too young at the time to understand the truth.  Anne would have never abandoned her.  She simply left out of the sheer need to survive.  And as Grace hadn’t forgiven her yet, it was her job, as big sister, to try to keep contact between the two. 
                  “What you doing little Annie?”  Jim, her café manager, snuck up from behind popped his head over her shoulder.
                  Quickly, she shut her phone and turned around.  Her eyes wide she laughed, “You scared the pee out of me!  Jim, don’t do that again!”
                  “Yes boss!”  He winked.
                  Anne sighed and shook her head.  At least she still had Jim, her faithful servant.  He worked hard and never missed a shift, but then again - he did live in the apartment upstairs.  If he didn’t show up or were ever late, she knew where to find him.
                  “Hey, I’ve got to meet with Julia about some of Chaz’s work.  You mind closing the café for me tonight?”  Anne grabbed her keys, and looked to Jim with puppy dog eyes.
                  He laughed in response.  “What else am I going to do?  Darla’s upstairs pregnant as a watermelon and I’ve got bills to pay.  You know you don’t have to be here.  You’re the boss after all.  Get!”  Jim shooed her toward the door.
                  “Thanks.  I’ll cover for you tomorrow night so you and Darla can go to your birthing class.”
                  “Gee, thanks.”  Jim grimaced.
                  Anne laughed.  “C’mon you know it’s not going to be that bad.”
                  “Have you seen the videos they show you in those things?  They’re R rated.  Not fun!  I promise you.  Just you wait till you have to go through that stuff!”
                  “That won’t be for a very long time my friend.  I promise.  And when I do, I’ll be looking to you guys for guidance.”              
                  “Just don’t look to me to take you to any of those classes.  Now get out of

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