Face the Music (A Brothers of Rock - GONE BY AUTUMN - Novel)

Face the Music (A Brothers of Rock - GONE BY AUTUMN - Novel) by Karolyn James

Book: Face the Music (A Brothers of Rock - GONE BY AUTUMN - Novel) by Karolyn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karolyn James
help, man, because you’re good at what you do. I respect you a lot.”
    “Christ, that’s pretty crazy to hear from a guy I idolize.”
    “Well, if the time comes and you’re ready to go bigger, you let me know. I… we… the band… we’ll help you. But for now, let’s work on these solos.”
    JT hurried to set up his guitar, using Tanner’s amp. He tuned up, hit a few chords and notes, then stood there, so causal and cool with his guitar, ready to jam.
    “Natural on you,” Asher said. “When did you start playing?”
    “Ten. Broke my leg during football practice and needed something to do. Never looked back. What about you?”
    “Six,” Asher said. “Only thing I could do to keep down the noise in my house. Not a good thing at home, you know?”
    “Yeah, I know it. Ready to play, man?”
    Asher laughed. “Born ready.”
    Asher gave the calls and the two started to play a song together. They worked through the lead riffs, the chorus, and bridge. At the first solo, Asher called for JT. He played it beautifully. For the second solo, Asher nodded to take it himself. For the first time in a while, he was nervous playing guitar. His fingers were very stiff but Asher went for it. His fingers slid up the neck and he put his head back and let it all flow back to him. His fingers moved, not quite as smooth as he’d like. The first few licks were more of an old, choppy guitar player, but it was something. It was noise. It was music. It was beautiful.
    When Asher stopped playing and looked at JT, the young guy was smiling ear to ear. He kept playing the song, even after Asher stopped to flex his hand.
    Then came the sound of cheering.
    JT stopped playing and both he and Asher looked to see Ryan and Blake standing in the doorway to the loft.
    Asher let the guitar go and put his hands up. It hung from his shoulders like it was meant to be.
    “What the hell is this?” Ryan asked as he slowed his clapping.
    “This is rock n’ roll, man,” Blake said with wide eyes. “Fuck yeah. Asher tearing it up on a six string.”
    “I sound like shit,” Asher said. “JT was carrying me.”
    “Are you even allowed to do this?” Ryan asked.
    “Am I allowed to do half the things I do?” Asher asked.
    “Good point.”
    “Just like banging all the backup singers,” Blake said and laughed.
    “Not all,” Asher said. “I respect Tanner and Jules.”
    “What do you think, JT?” Ryan asked.
    “Whoa, guys…”
    “No, be honest,” Asher said.
    “You were in a car accident,” JT said. “You’re not medically clear to play guitar. And you just ripped through a solo. That’s pretty cool, man. Was it perfect? No. But I can see right where your hand is tensing up. Will that work itself out?”
    “I hope so,” Asher said.
    “Me too,” Ryan said. “We’re booked for a benefit show in two nights.”
    “Really?” Asher asked, grinning.
    “Yeah,” Blake said. “Sam has us hooking up with Willow Son for a preview of our upcoming tour.”
    “JT is coming on the road then,” Asher said. “We need him.”
    “I agree,” Ryan said.
    “Wait a second,” JT said. “Sam told me it was a few gigs.”
    “Now it’s a few more,” Asher said. “That a problem?”
    “Whatever you and Sam talked about,” Ryan said. “As far as a rate goes… don’t listen to him. We’ll lump sum it for you, man. Trust me. This will be worth your time.”
    “I’m just happy to play guitar,” JT said.
    “Good,” Blake said. “Then I’ll take the money.”
    They all laughed.
    Asher stepped toward JT and put a fist out. The bumped together and Asher nodded. “Thanks, man. Let’s run through some more.”
    “You got it,” JT said.
    Blake jumped up on stage and tore a pair of sunglasses off his face. He threw them behind him and said, “You need some drums.”
    “Ryan?” Asher asked.
    “Just stopping by,” he said. “Raine and I…”
    “Oh, here we go,” Blake said. “This romance shit going through the

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