Face the Music
very successful career that has been filled with so many wonderful opportunities.  Soap operas, game shows, sitcoms, you name it, I’ve done it. 
    “So when I had the idea for this show and decided to produce it from Chicago, people thought I was crazy.  ‘New York, Los Angeles,’ they’d say, ‘those are the places where the big shows get made, not Chicago.’  But I ignored their comments and went for it anyway.  Oprah did it, right?”  Several people chuckled.  “Like I said, Chicago has given me so much, and I felt that it was finally my turn to give something back to the city.  In case you haven’t noticed, folks, Superstardom is a major success.” 
    People whooped and hollered.  “We’ve managed to do what people told me was impossible, and it couldn’t have happened without each and every one of you.  I have the entire crew to thank for this, everyone who works behind the scenes.  The musicians, the choreographers, our technical folk .  I owe it all to you.  There are so many of you out there who are essential to the process.  Thank you.”  Cheers and whistles filled the room.  Once they quieted down he finished up.  “At this time I am going to pass the microphone around to our Stars and let them say a few words.”
    Cynthia stood and quickly thanked all her fans.  She wished the others luck and then passed the mic to Riley, who shyly grinned and mumbled s omething that I couldn’t hear.
    Chris was next.  He spoke eloquently, thanking the sponsors for hosting the party, wishing his competitors luck, and expressing his great joy at being a part of the show.  “I would also like to thank my family and friends for their constant support.  I have truly been blessed.” 
    By the time he finished my head was spinning; here was this man- talented, good -looking, considerate, and well- spoken.  He was too good to be true.  I sat and pretended to pay attention to the rest of the speeches but didn’t hear much of what else was said.   
    Dinner ended, and Mr. Doveland announced that there would be an open bar until twelve.  “I encourage you all to stay and try out the dance floor.”  This request was met with laughs.
    Emily grabbed my hand as we walked towards the stairs.  “That was really something, wasn’t it?  Have you ever seen so much food?  I can’t believe you didn’t eat anything.”
    I squeezed her hand.  “I’m gonna go find the bathroom; I’ll catch up with you later, okay?”  I knew she wouldn’t mind my leaving her alone.  It wouldn’t be long before she’d find someone to talk to.  She had such a knack for socializing with strangers- a talent I certainly didn’t posses. 
    The bathroom was adjacent to the main doors, and I went in to check my hair and makeup.  Satisfied that everything was still in place, I went back out to the party.  I didn’t get too far when Chris stepped out in front of me.
    “I must say, you look incredible.”  His gaze traveled downward and then back up to my face.
    My heart began to pound, and I felt the color rise in my cheeks.  “Hi,” I said with a quiet smile, “and thanks.  You look pretty great too.”  My eyes ran over his tux before I glanced towards the front of the room at the other Stars and the reporters that surrounded them.  “How did you manage to sneak away?”
    He smirked.  “It wasn’t easy.  I excused myself for the restroom when I saw you go in.  I’m sure I won’t be able to hide for long, but I just had to come over and say ‘ hi ’ and tell you how incredible you look.  I’m glad you came.”  He took my arm and led me towards the dance floor.  “Are you having a good time?” 
    “Well, this is pretty dull compared to my usual scene,” I teased.  He raised his eyebrows, and I giggled.  “Come on, you know this is amazing.  Thank you so much for the tickets.  Emily and I are having a great time.”
    We stood and watched the band set up.  Then I turned to him. 

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