Eye For A Tooth
came, I was sure that Mansel would deal with them better than that. And so would George. Indeed, of us three, I was by far the least fitted for such an interview. Still, there was nothing to be done; so I spent my time at the trout-stream, cleaning a jolly sluice, and doing my best to divine the plans which the Duke was making for Sunday night.
    This was an unsatisfactory exercise.
    ‘He knows who stole those papers and laid me out… We’re to meet him on Sunday evening – he showed me where. An’ then , he says, I’ll deliver him into your hands .’
    This was a positive statement, strongly suggesting that the man was sure of his ground. And yet I could not see how he could be sure of his ground…
    He might have reason to know that the Duchess meant to drive out upon Sunday night. He could not know where she was going, and he could no longer rely on the trail of oil. True, he could follow her closely; but, if he did that, how could he communicate with Forecast? He could, of course, place the latter at the mouth of one of the drives; but how could he tell which drive my lady would take? And of one thing I was quite sure – Duke Saul had no intention of being involved. He would set Forecast on, but he would not appear himself.
    To and fro my mind went, discussing these facts and fancies as best it could, but I never got very far, although I toyed with the thought of putting Forecast’s car out of action on Sunday afternoon.
    And then at half-past two that blackguard, with Gulf and Boney, drove up to the farm’s front door.
    Since he could speak no German, he had no change at all of the farmer’s wife; but after some hesitation, he strolled across the meadows to where I stood in the stream.
    “Good afternoon,” he said. “I don’t think I know your name.”
    I looked him up and down.
    “That may be,” said I, and went on with my work.
    He threw back his head and laughed.
    “It looks as though I’m unwelcome.”
    “Well, I am rather busy,” I said, “and this is private ground.”
    “So’s my room at Latchet,” he said.
    I straightened my back.
    “Then I should go back there,” I said. “I don’t know where Latchet is and I care rather less. But at least you’d be chez vous , if you understand French.”
    I saw his eyes narrow at that.
    “You don’t seem to understand that I’ve come to call.”
    “If you understood German, you’d know that I wasn’t receiving this afternoon.”
    “Cut it out,” he said, biting his lip.
    I frowned.
    “Look here,” I said. “I’ve come all the way from England to get away from people and be by myself. Does that make you think at all?”
    “It makes me wonder why you should keep late hours.”
    “I retire at ten,” I said, “if that’s any good.”
    “And you don’t know Latchet?”
    I stared.
    “I’ve never heard of the place.”
    He screwed a glass into his eye.
    “I can’t quite believe that,” he said.
    I stepped out of the trout-stream, turned my trousers down and stepped into my shoes.
    As I bent to fasten my laces—
    “Is my action suggestive?” I said.
    “You’d better not try any rough stuff.”
    “What do you do,” said I, “when a stranger first forces his company upon you and then calls you a liar, because you don’t agree with the statements he chooses to make?”
    Forecast’s eyes burned in his head.
    “I bide my time,” he said.
    “That’s the difference between us,” I said. “I deal with the matter at once.” I raised my voice. “Bell.”
    “Sir?” said Bell, stepping out from behind an oak, seven paces away.
    “Stand perfectly still,” snapped Forecast, pistol in hand.
    Carson was directly behind him, but not within reach.
    “As you please,” said I, with my eyes on his feet. “But I think if I were you I’d look out for that snake .”
    As the fellow started backward, Carson flung himself forward and caught his wrist; and, as he fired into the ground, Bell hit him on the point of the jaw and laid him

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