Exposed by Fate
sensual grace through couples and groups of patrons, offering drinks with a practiced purr. Behind them, the bar was packed full of Manhattanites, looking for a Friday night assignation.
    “What did you have in mind?” Caroline asked, breaking into her thoughts again. “Maybe some nice house plants? Ooh, do you think Jonah would let me have a hammock?”
    “I think Jonah would give you whatever you want.”
    Caroline hummed into her drink. “It goes both ways.” She signaled the waitress for two more drinks. “Just a head’s up, he’s going to ask you to redecorate the brownstone. Gabby is going to be staying with us more, and we want the place kid-friendly.”
    Eliza smiled at the mention of Jonah’s daughter of whom he’d only recently been granted joint custody. She was nine years old and a total pistol. “No more implements of torture lying around?”
    “We save that for upstairs.” Caroline grinned. “Speaking of which, you were here the other night, weren’t you? On a date with Gavin Rossdale’s doppelganger?”
    She wanted to smack herself in the forehead, but somehow resisted. Of course , Jonah would have mentioned to Caroline that she’d been at the club. But wait. He hadn’t told her about Oliver and the kiss they’d shared? In plain view of one of several cameras? Interesting. She struggled to remember what Caroline had asked her. Porter…right. “It went well. We’re planning on seeing each other soon.” As soon as Oliver made that phone call.
    Caroline did a double take. “What? That’s all I get? It went well .”
    “I-uh…” Your brother interrupted us. Shower sex. Mick Jagger. Ouzo . An almost-kiss that blew my mind almost as much as the sex. “It’s complicated?”
    “Sweetheart.” Jonah’s distinct voice behind her was like the bell going off for recess, saving her from a pop quiz. An interruption had never been more appreciated. She sunk back against the armrest of the lounger as Jonah picked up Caroline and settled her back on his lap. Her friend was still glaring at her though, over the rim of her martini. You’re not off the hook , she mouthed at Eliza. Then her friend’s mouth became otherwise occupied as Jonah guided it down to meet his. He plucked the martini from Caroline’s hand and handed it to Eliza, without breaking contact, sliding his tongue into his girlfriend’s mouth with a groan.
    Sheesh. Eliza tried to look at the ceiling, but her gaze kept returning to the passionate couple. Was it acceptable to be turned on by your friends’ frequent, often inappropriate public displays of affection? Cause, she kind of was.
    Finally, Jonah pulled back. After a long, meaningful look at Caroline, he sent Eliza a wink. “Hey, you. We have business to discuss.”
    She saluted him with her empty glass. “I’d be happy to redecorate the brownstone, as long as you’re aware I’ll be upping your fee for traveling to Brooklyn.” She smiled to let him know she was joking. “Although if we’re talking kid friendly, not making out in front of her might be a good place to start.”
    “We’re working on it,” Caroline said, sounding a little dazed. “We could probably work harder.”
    Jonah smiled indulgently, but it dimmed when his gaze landed on something just beyond her shoulder. Eliza turned to find Porter standing at the velvet rope, his attention trained on her. Dressed in all black, he looked unbelievable. Like he’d just stepped off the pages of some European yacht advertisement. Not a stitch of clothing or hair out of place. Every time she’d been in the vicinity of him since they’d met, she’d always felt a tickle of lust in her belly. This time, the appreciation seemed to be more objective than anything. Odd, since she’d never seen him looking hotter.
    A shot of urgency invaded her musings when she remembered Caroline knew they’d been on a date. But she didn’t know Oliver had nixed it. If Porter mentioned what happened in front of Caroline, she

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