
Excelsior by George Sirois

Book: Excelsior by George Sirois Read Free Book Online
Authors: George Sirois
smiling as he stepped out of the pile of dusty boxes. “I can't begin to tell you what an honor it is to meet you, Sir. I've heard the most wonderful stories about how you led our people into prosperity and how you defeated Nocterar.”
    Klierra tapped him on his shoulder. “Karini.”
    “What wonderful stories my clanmother used to tell about you when I was small. Is this the right word? Clanmother?”
    “Grandmother,” corrected Klierra.
    “Oh, forgive me, grandmother. My grandmother used to tell us about the time…”
    “Karini, that's not him.”
    “That’s not him.”
    Karini’s smile disappeared. “Oh. Then who is he?”
    “He's a relative. Don’t worry, the young man who holds Excelsior's lifeforce is in the building, but he's upstairs. This is Jason Peters.”
    Karini’s shoulders straightened and he held out his hand. “My name is Karini. Over there is my friend Zorribis.” As Jason reached out his hand, Karini grabbed his wrist and slapped his forearm smartly with his other hand. Zorribis laid down his pack and offered his hand. Jason winced from his stinging arm as Karini continued the introductions. “The big one is Grannik and the old man is Radifen.”
    “How many times has this old man saved your life?” Radifen asked.
    “You're still old,” Karini laughed.
    Radifen turned to Klierra, “Where is the young man now?”
    “He’s up in his room,” she replied.
    “I’d better see if he’s OK. Things were falling down in the commotion as you… landed?” Jason said.
    Radifen nodded. “Landed is as good a word as any.” Jason noticed he had the same slight accent as Klierra.
    “Do you mind if I join you?” asked Klierra.
    Jason nodded. They headed up the stairs.
    “Elder Klierra,” Radifen interjected. “I apologize for troubling you with this, but would this man by any chance have rations for us? It was a long journey and we have not eaten for two cycles.”
    Klierra looked at Jason. “I am so sorry, but may we trouble you?”
    Halfway up the stairs, Jason turned back toward the Denarians. “Well... tonight is pizza night. I could get a few more from Palermo ’s. You guys eat pizza?”
    Zorribis looked at Radifen. “What's peet-za?”
    *   *   *
    “Matthew? Matthew?” Jason knocked for the fifth time. He pushed his nephew's bedroom door open and saw an empty room, an empty desk and a bed providing the only furniture. “Matt, you in here?”
    Jason and Klierra walked inside the bedroom and looked around. Pieces of tape with shreds of paper stuck to walls that used to hold Matthew’s carefully constructed timeline and sketches. Klierra pointed to the wastebasket beside Matthew's desk. It overflowed with papers, some crushed into tight balls, others torn and jammed inside.
    “Oh, geez…” Jason rubbed his face with both hands.
    Klierra picked up two torn pieces that had fallen out of the basket and put them together. She smiled in recognition at the simple sketch.
    “It’s Acerus.”
    Jason looked at the picture she was holding, then at her. He picked up one of the crushed balls and uncrumpled it. The blue pushpin he had moved the other night remained stuck to the paper. “What did you tell him?” Jason asked Klierra. “He wouldn't act like this just on a whim.”
    “I tried to help him understand the power that resides within him. I am not here to hurt Matthew. Please let me talk to him. I can help him understand.”
    “I’ll be outside. If I hear Matt raise his voice, I’m coming in.”
    Klierra nodded. “I understand. Mr. Peters, I know this must all seem crazy to you but please allow me to earn your trust by earning Matthew’s trust.”
    Jason ran a hand through his hair. “Well, all right.” He glanced toward Matthew's closet door, which was cracked open. “He must be in there.”
    Klierra walked up to the closet and lightly knocked on the door. “Matthew? May I open the door?” There was no answer. Klierra pulled the door out a

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