Evolution's Essence

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Book: Evolution's Essence by Jr H. Lee Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan
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Elders are exempt from.”
    “ What would happen if I
became a tyrant king?”
    “ I’d kill you first chance I
got just as I would anyone oppressing another.” Vanishing Claw was
blunt. Always was.
    Oliver made a quick glance to the side of the
room. “Emperor, if I signed and Davan Took made claim he was my
chief scientist, your laws would be unable to lay a finger on him
    At this Davan’s defeated expression perked up
and new life shone through them. Fear these agents would kill him
went away. The Emperor too glanced at the man. “Indeed it would. He
would need identification proving he was one of yours, but the
moment it is proven, he would be merely questioned and transferred
to your custody for investigation and public punishment.”
    “ If I decided this is in my
best interest, could I amend based on looks? For instance, you made
a point we look identical as convergent evolution dictated. Since
it is clear you look nothing like Creelin or Drake, I’d propose my
people be recognized by marking or coloring.”
    “ Curious. Like a tribal mark
or have everyone share coloring as young Mr. Took here?”
    “ Like a special tattoo that
is difficult to cover and made illegal to all tattoo parlors.
Hunters are known for their battle beaten armor, but I’d make an
intricate burning star since your people dubbed mine after
discovering we could make actual stars with our greater power. A
type of tattoo an artist’s needle cannot duplicate like on the neck
or at the hollow of our throats.”
    “ I like that idea.” Talon
admitted and showed off her pearly whites. “And our trademark also
is our ligament speed. Personally I’m tired of strictly armor to be
known. A woman needs more than armor in her wardrobe.”
    Elder Javelin nodded vigorously at that
proposal. “A universal tattoo that’s difficult to copy would be a
great start, but we’ll need to have a terran network server since
the gene will allow all Hunters to use a neural chip’s facial
recognition to verify they are part of our society, civilian or
    “ Then why don’t we reinstate
the five kingdoms or queendoms? This it getting ridiculous.” Renee
proposed. “I’ll become the new Fire Queen. It’ll only take my
daughters to fully mature ten years. Most likely one of my future
hellions will lean towards one of the kingdoms. Hunters can be of
Terra. Scientists of Fire. Those who search far and dangerous
places will be of Wind. Normal civilians can deal with Water and
whatever else Stephanie and Andrea Loke discover about Ice. The
Milky Way can have five Human Queens.”
    “ What will we do for
credits?” Jessica wondered. “My wife is the historian, but didn’t
new governments back on Earth long ago require start up capitol?
How will we supply citizens.”
    Renee looked straight across the table.
“Netul, did Solarians not use funds like your people do?”
    “ We patterned ourselves
after them.” He replied, treading a fine
line. “So no. They were an honor based
society like us. Their occupation is what they enjoyed doing for
    “ So if we recreate a
non-monetary society off yours, it can be sustained?”
    There came a brilliant flash
as someone else entered the room. “Many
struggles await, but with you as a queen of Fire, you would do well
keeping those who wish to come under your rule, but in making this
treaty, you will fall into a different category.” A robed Archiver merely gave Netul a nod and the
Beyleeze removed himself from the chair and took rigid stance
behind it. The Archiver sat down and Netul became the Zeelin
warrior who protects the ancient male. “Forgive the intrusion, Young Ones. We Archivers felt this
situation requires our attention.”
    “ Welcome Ambassador Tammat.
You look well.” The Emperor said as Oliver stared heavily at the
newcomer, at last meeting the strongest and one of the ten oldest
members of Creelin society.
    “ As do you. Let me get to
the point, as you

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