Everything I Need

Everything I Need by Natalie Barnes

Book: Everything I Need by Natalie Barnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Barnes
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uncomfortable being around the other guys like this, but this is strictly to shut Tristan up. I can’t fucking wait to get down there. A small cackle escapes my throat before I turn to leave.
    I pull out my phone and take a quick picture of me standing in front of the mirror, flipping off with my other hand when I do. After I’m done with the picture, I quickly text Frankie and send the picture with it, shaking my head and grinning as I type.
    YOU BITCH! xoxo
    Frankie immediately replies back and before I leave my room, I have to check out what he had to say for himself.
    LMFAO!!! Girl, you’re so HOT!!! I wish I could be a firefly on the wall ;)
    A giggle escapes my throat. If he wasn’t so cute, I would so punch him in the face for doing this shit to me. Sliding my phone in what back pocket I have, I take off in search of this studio Lux has here.
    Taking my time when I go down the stairs, I do another scan of the vast room below me. The first floor is entirely open with these large glass walls across the entire back of the house that disappear right into thin slabs of marble that are spaced out every twenty feet. You can easily step right outside to the pool, or more like, the tropical lagoon is part of your very own living room.
    Someone must have already taken it upon themselves to open them up, because like my room, you get the fragrance of the ocean and the lush surroundings as you enter the bottom level. This place is so freaking sweet! When I make a little more cash, I may want something like this. Frankie would just die.
    Walking through the kitchen, because I have no fucking clue as to where I’m going, I notice Gunner sitting on a stool. Walking around the large granite island top, I scope out what he’s doing. Looking down at his hands, he’s busy at rolling a joint . . . well actually, it looks more like a blunt. I love how he has his long hair braided now, with his faded green hat on backwards.
    Gunner. Not only are his facial features stunning for a dude, his teeth are as white as a fucking toothpaste model. He’s built decently, too. His arms are huge and every inch is covered in tattoos. I never really got a good look at his arms before, but since we’re here on this beautiful island, he’s actually walking around with no shirt on. I can get used to this. If all these guys decided to have this dress code, that would be fine by me.
    After I clear my throat, he looks up lazily at me and again, flashes his pearly whites.
    “Hey,” he says to me before giving me the up and down. I’m assuming he is checking out my wardrobe. Okay, maybe my plan to make Tristan suffer is a little bit foolish, but I brush off Gunner’s sudden stare and go on.
    “So what are we doing today, exactly?” I motion with my hand around this impressive kitchen and smile back at him. He shakes his head a little like he’s clearing it, and brings the blunt up to his mouth, sealing it up with his tongue. When he’s done, he places it back down on the island and leans into the backrest of the stool, his arms hanging limply at his sides, then shrugs.
    “Caleb is in there right now trying to lay down some with Gage. I’m gonna enjoy this shit right here.” He points at his blunt then looks back up at me again. “After I’m done with that, I plan on going in and doing the same. Today is pretty much fuck around with sound and see what works. I think you and Tristan will have to go into the booth too to lay down a couple different styles so we can see what fits.”
    His eyes light up once he mentions Tristan’s name. Oh, great! Nodding back to him, I start to hear guitar playing; well, ‘shredding’ would be the correct term, actually, off in the distance.
    Giving Gunner one last smile while he lights up, I have my ears lead the way to where the sound is coming from. It’s this door on the opposite end of the open bottom floor and when I approach it I hear the music stop, then yelling.
    “Shit! Fuck! Asshole!

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