Everyone's Favorite Girl

Everyone's Favorite Girl by Steph Sweeney

Book: Everyone's Favorite Girl by Steph Sweeney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steph Sweeney
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to stay still as his fingers curled over the seam of my pajama pants.  He yanked them off me like someone pulling a tablecloth out from under a full set of dishware.
    My lack of resistance dampened his aggression.  It also seemed to confuse him.  Now naked from the waist down, I spread my legs for him.  He sat down at the edge of the chair and ran his palm down the inside of my left leg.  Then his middle finger was pushing inside me.  It went in with ease, and soon followed his index finger.
    I stared at him with my mouth slightly agape, breathing, embracing the moment.  Sean grabbed the bulge in his pants like an adolescent boy in gym class.
    Lucky for me, he knew exactly what he was doing.  I could feel a climax building—and not the kind that leaves you wanting more.  The kind that renders you useless for the remainder of the day.
    “Are . . . you going to use . . . that thing?” I asked between moans.
    “What thing?” Sean asked, barely above a whisper.
    “Your…”  Moan.  “…cock.”
    The idea must not have occurred to him.  As soon as the word “cock” escaped my lips, Sean retracted his fingers, stood, and dropped his pants.
    “No!”  Patton jumped to his feet, startling everyone.
    “Sit down,” Mr. Shriver demanded.
    Sean was chuckling again as he kicked off his shoes and pants.  This time he sounded malevolent.
    Patton shook his head.  “You’re taking this shit too far.”
    “Not me,” Mr. Shriver said.  “Her.  She just said she wants to fuck.”
    “Because you’re brainwashing her!”
    Mr. Shriver studied me for a moment, brow curled.  “Judy,” he said, “it looks like you might be on to something here.  Let’s continue.”
    “I won’t stand for this,” Patton said.
    “Patton, shut up,” I breathed.  I wanted to feel bad for him, but right now I couldn’t.  I had a show to put on.  “Somebody fuck me, please, for God’s sake.”
    Sean crawled upon me pulling off his shirt.  A pale, muscular, hairless creature, he handled me like prey, gripping both my hips so hard it cut off the blood circulation in my legs.  By the end they would be numb.
    The moment Sean entered me, I closed my eyes.  If I planned on avoiding all the risks of faking an orgasm by actually having one in front of all these people, I certainly needed to forget it was Sean’s dick inside me.
    When I closed my eyes, the image of Sean’s athletic but alien body stuck in my mind.  I couldn’t erase it.  All I could do was shrink it down to the size of a spider and place it upon an imaginary leaf.  It’s early morning and I’m standing at the edge of a meadow, the warm orange sun on my bare back, the front of me chilled by the air seeping out of the dark forest.  I’m stark naked, and somewhere out there in the high grass, sprinkled like confetti with daisies, marigolds, and wildflowers of all colors, I know Flora is naked, too, and waiting for me.
    As I turn away from the darkness and face the meadow, I see on the ground and seated on low-lying branches countless other insect-sized people.  Mr. Shriver, James, Kate, Brian, Clifton, Murphy, Liu, the businessmen and politicians whose faces I could recall from the party where Mr. Shriver caught them all in his sticky flytrap of Favorite Girls.
    Everyone was watching me.
    And I could see Flora, poking her head up over the grass, hair lighting afire in the golden sunlight, and springing away.
    “Okay, I’ve seen enough,” Mr. Shriver said, dissolving my fantasy.
    “Sean, stop,” Patton chimed in after a moment.
    “A minute,” Sean said.
    “We don’t have all night,” Mr. Shriver said.  “You’ll have to fuck something else.  Get off her.”
    I kept my eyes closed until Sean stopped thrusting.  It took long enough that I thought he wasn’t going to listen.  Twenty-two defiant thrusts.  I counted them.
    He crawled off of me grumbling, picked up his clothes, and walked over to a chair holding his dick like it would fall

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