Every Beat Of My Heart: The Sullivans (Wedding Novella)

Every Beat Of My Heart: The Sullivans (Wedding Novella) by Bella Andre

Book: Every Beat Of My Heart: The Sullivans (Wedding Novella) by Bella Andre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Andre
Tags: Fiction, Romance
    The dogs gave away Heather Linsey’s appearance a full sixty seconds before she walked into Zach Sullivan’s garage. Cuddles and Atlas ran in to greet Zach at top speed, the tags on their collars clinking and clanging like wind chimes. Though Atlas weighed a hundred and fifty pounds more than Cuddles, he had enough control over his big, long limbs to stop himself before he hit the classic—and priceless—1974 Ferrari 365 GT4 that Zach was working on. Cuddles, on the other hand, though barely eight pounds soaking wet, went sliding all the way beneath the car.
    “Goofballs.” Zach looked at Atlas. “Want me to get your girlfriend out from under there?” He could have sworn the Great Dane nodded.
    Both of them bent down to look for the teacup Yorkie under the car. And as Cuddles sat just out of reach with her tail wagging a million miles an hour and her tongue hanging out of her mouth, Zach was reminded of the first time he met Heather, right here at Sullivan Autos.
    Best day of his life.
    “Nothing wrong with that view,” she said a few moments later in a voice laced with humor and more than a little sensuality.
    The sound of Heather’s voice was all it took to rev Zach’s engine. Grinning, with his torso still under the car, he did a mini-twerk for her.
    Her laughter warmed every cell in his body as she walked over to the side of the car and said, “Be still, my heart.” Making his fiancée laugh was one of Zach’s number one goals in life. She’d been too serious for too long before they found each other.
    Hearing Heather’s voice, Cuddles clearly decided it would be more fun to be with her than to keep toying with Zach and Atlas. With a doggy grin, she trotted out from under the car, and Zach immediately scooped her up.
    With the dog tucked under one arm, Zach stood up, then pulled his fiancée against him. “You stole my line.” Her mouth was warm and sweet beneath his as he kissed her, then said, “My heart hasn’t beat normally since the first day you walked into my garage and gave me hell.”
    The truth was, he’d never expected a woman like Heather to come into his life. Sparks had jumped between them from the first, and when they finally gave in to their feelings for each other? Explosion wasn’t anywhere near a good enough word for the heat of their lovemaking.
    The most amazing thing of all, however, wasn’t just that he’d found her in the first place. It was that life with her just kept getting better and better.
    “You were so hot,” she muttered in a voice made slightly breathless from his kiss, “and so infuriatingly cocky.”
    “And now?”
    “You’re still hot.” She grinned. “And just as cocky as ever.”
    “You love it.”
    “I love you,” she clarified. “So I put up with the rest of the package.”
    “Speaking of the rest of the package—” Her mouth was too tempting to resist kissing again. “—want to get kinky in the backseat of a souped-up Ferrari?”
    She raised an eyebrow. “Is that why you asked me to leave my office to visit you in the middle of the day?”
    “Would that be a problem if it was?”
    She slid her hands under his shirt, and his abdominal muscles flexed and jumped as she replied with a cocky grin of her own, “It will only be a problem if you take more than sixty seconds to get my clothes off.”
    “Don’t start counting yet.”
    “Too late.” Her wicked smile made his heart jump so fast and hard inside his chest that he could practically hear it reverberating against the walls and concrete floor. “One. Two. Three.”
    Zach carefully put Cuddles down, told both dogs to go lie on their dog beds in the corner, then went to hit the button on the wall that closed his garage doors. After locking the door that led to his office as well, he sprinted back to Heather, who was at ten by then.
    He didn’t bother with undoing buttons, just tore her shirt open and shoved it off. They had a change of outfits for her in his locker, just

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