Everville: The City of Worms

Everville: The City of Worms by Roy Huff

Book: Everville: The City of Worms by Roy Huff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roy Huff
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was compounded by the fact that the same thing was happening over and over again to complete strangers. It just didn’t seem fair.

    Over the next hour, the crowd that had been waiting for Dante thinned a bit, but there were still enough people to completely fill the room once the doctor gave the go ahead to let the visitors in.
    When Anika walked into Dante’s room and saw his eyes open, she couldn’t help herself. She rushed over to his bed, gave him a big squeeze, and said, “Dante, I’m so glad you’re okay. I don’t know what we would have done if you didn’t make it.”
    “The same goes for me, Dante,” Owen said.
    Similar discussions went on for a while with several of his friends and family, and after an hour or so, most people had left. Only Drusilla, Zee, Anika, Owen, and Dante’s family remained.
    “I’m glad you came out of it, Dante. A lot’s happened since you’ve been out of it, and we have a lot to talk about,” Owen said.
    “I look forward to hearing all about it.”
    The nurse came in and said, “It’s getting well past visiting hours, so unless you are immediate family, please wrap it up.”
    “Okay, Dante, we’ll come see you in the morning and talk some more. Hopefully you can come home then.”
    “I hope so too, Anika.”

Chapter 14:

    Oldrik watched the giants from inside the bone cage high above the ground. The sight of his followers now made him want to throw up out of sheer hatred for their perceived worthlessness. General Varrick looked at Oldrik with an expression that threatened action if Oldrik made any stupid moves, but after he felt certain the former Keeper would behave, the general returned his attention to studying some of the maps that were on the table in front of him.
    Oldrik reached out to Them once more and made a connection. His resolve to keep the secret in his mind continued to weaken, and Them felt that it would only be a matter of time before Oldrik allowed access to the hidden knowledge.
    Oldrik asked for the assistance of the armies of Them a second time, but the destruction of the collector and the loss of Elmer, who had been forgiven for his betrayal, had both significantly weakened the breach. Them needed to wait and see the fallout from the destruction of the collector, especially since Them’s forces had been dealt a great blow twice in such a short amount of time. Oldrik would have to remain locked up in his cage for at least a little while longer.
    After General Varrick returned to his study, The Keeper appeared to him once more. “Varrick, the moment that I have long feared is drawing near. With the destruction of the collector, a minor victory has been won, but I sense that Oldrik is ready to divulge the great secret. If he does, you will need to prepare your armies. Our greatest battle yet may soon await us in The City of Worms.”
    “Keeper, our armies have been preparing with great diligence. We have made enormous strides even in the short time since the battle of the Fron. In spite of the losses we suffered to The Other In Between and the battle of the Fron, our armies have been fortified, our weapons have improved, and our access to the other realms is nearly complete. It may be possible that we not only win the battle, but perhaps put an end to this war once and for all.”
    “General, you have indeed made great strides, and your armies will prove an invaluable asset in the battles that loom, but the Great War will never be over. So long as the darkness remains in the heart of a single living creature, the constant struggle, the eternal struggle will continue. We can only hope to stave off the return of darkness for another day. Until then, we must appreciate the bounty we have been fortunate enough to receive and revel in the camaraderie for which our people are known.”
    “As always, Keeper, your wisdom is great. I will await your instructions and ready our armies.”
    The Keeper then entered the mind of Oldrik.

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