Even In Darkness (Between)

Even In Darkness (Between) by Cyndi Tefft Page A

Book: Even In Darkness (Between) by Cyndi Tefft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Tefft
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packed up his bag and beat feet out the door. I took a tentative step to follow him, but Eagan stopped me with a hand on my arm.
    “Lindsey, don’t leave.”
    “I have to. Aiden needs me.”
    The look in his eyes made it clear that Aiden was not the only one who needed me right then, but I shook my head and limped toward the door.
    Eagan got there before I did and held it open, though his eyes were asking me to stay. As I hobbled past him, he grabbed my hand and closed my fingers around a soft dinner roll. My head snapped up and our eyes met.
    “I’m not the monster you take me to be,” he said, so softly I barely heard him. “Stay. I’ll see that he’s fed. I promise.”
    An image of Aiden sprang to mind, the look on his face when he’d kissed me for never leaving his side while he was ill. Even if they had to amputate my foot, I wouldn’t leave him down there alone.
    “I ’m sorry. I can’t.” Pocketing the extra roll, I turned and stumbled across the deck without looking back.
    When I finally made it down the stairs, Callison gave me a knowing wink. All the pain and misery I was feeling intensified at seeing his stupid face. Maybe I couldn’t hate the captain, but I sure as hell had no problem taking out my aggressions on Callison. Still, I was in no shape to defend myself if he decided to get physical, so I settled for flipping him the bird. He probably had no idea what that meant—was it even around in the 1700s?—but I didn’t care. The look on my face probably conveyed the same message. He just laughed and shook his head as I shuffled past him and into the dark pit to find Aiden.
    He looked up as I entered, his smile bright enough to light the room, then he saw me limping and rose to meet me. He had a bad leg of his own, but he seemed to be in better shape than before. I was amazed at how quickly he’d healed from his wounds once the fever passed. Of course, we were in Between and time was not the same here, I reminded myself. Spending most of my time in the holding cell with Aiden, I frequently lost track of whether it was day or night. The hours melted into one another with only the flicker of the oil lamp to light the filthy hole. And yet, seeing his face when I returned, his relief and joy that I’d come back to him, that alone made up for all the rest. Eagan may have his good moments, but he isn’t Aiden , I reminded myself.
    “What happened?” he asked, taking my arm to help me sit. The relief at taking the pressure off my leg was so sweet, I nearly fainted.
    “I lost my balance going up the stairs when the boat rocked and twisted my ankle.” My head fell back against the wall. “Man, I miss jeans,” I mumbled.
    “Jeans?” Aiden gave me a quizzical look.
    I debated telling him everything right then, just to see what he’d say , but I didn’t have the strength to get into it.
    “Never mind. It was...the name of a pet I had growing up.”
    Aiden sat beside me and twined his fingers through mine, but he turned his face away to hide a sheepish grin. “I know ye’ve likely told me this before, but since I can’t remember...”
    He looked down at our hands and stroked my fingers lightly. “I was curious a bout your family. Do ye have siblings? Where are ye from? You’ve an accent I can’t quite place.”
    The thought of my family made my chest tighten with longing. I missed my parents. I couldn’t believe they were going to have to deal with losing me, and so soon after my first accident. It was all so unfair.
    “I’m an only child, no brothers or sisters. And I’m American.”
    His eyebrows reached his hairline at this information. “Aye? The new world? I’ve heard of it, of course, but I can’t say I’ve ever met someone who hails from there. Especially not a woman.”
    Something about the disapproving tone of his voice on the word “woman” made me feel like a cat forced into water. I pulled my hand free and crossed my arms over my chest. “And

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