Eve Vaughn

Eve Vaughn by The Zoo

Book: Eve Vaughn by The Zoo Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Zoo
Tags: Erótica, Sci-Fi
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time was of the essence.
    “Come,” Dar’s lips formed.
    Bella was quite pleased with herself for picking up so much of their language. It seemed that David knew quite a bit of it himself and often translated things for her.
    Taking her hand in his, Dar led Bella through the maze-like zoo, past the cages, with David following them closely behind.
    When the two men halted, she wondered what was wrong. “What’s happening?” she asked aloud.
    “They’ve sounded the alarms.”
    Dar literally swept Bella off her feet and took off running as if she weighed no more than a sack of feathers. He didn’t stop until they reached a small space craft.
    Frantically he pressed buttons on the panel until a large door opened and then took her on board. The ship was small, but it was comfortable enough for the three of them to travel. Dar placed her in a seat and fastened her in.
    Finally they would be off this planet, and good riddance.

Chapter Ten
    Bella didn’t think they’d make it to Tabehr. They’d experienced quite a bit of turbulence on their way there, not to mention the scare of taking off as shots had hit their tiny craft. Dar explained to her that when a behavior neutralizer was in activation for more than a few minutes, someone would come to assist. Whoever had aided Zavian was probably far away enough to pop in their ear plugs, enabling them to turn off the device when they reached him.
    She must not have hit everyone in that room as hard as she thought she had. It didn’t matter now. They were safely on neutral territory. The embassy representatives had given her and Dar a room to stay in for the night and the following morning they could sort out their paperwork.
    David was given his own room and said he’d meet up with them in the morning.
    The only thing that would complete her happiness was if she could see her friends again. She knew if there was some way they could get back home and warn the people what the Cyrellians were up to, there would be a long battle ahead of them.
    Freshly showered, Bella stood in front of the window, staring at a full red moon, wrapped in one of the silk-like robes their hosts had provided for her. She was so used to going without clothing, she almost felt overdressed.
    She sighed when she thought about home. Soon, she’d find her way back to Earth, but she wouldn’t be alone.
    Bella could feel Dar’s warmth as he walked behind her, molding his taut frame against her body. He nuzzled her neck and gave her a kiss on her jaw line. Turning her around to face him, he smiled, and then uttered the words, “I love you.” That she did understand.

    - 79 -
    If someone would have told her getting her hearing restored would no longer be a priority to her months ago, she would have laughed. Would she like it back? Yes, but if she never did get it again, that would be okay too. She had learned in the past several weeks that life was far too precious to dwell on the things you couldn’t change, and maybe this was one of those things.
    Anyway, she’d found something far more precious.
    With Dar by her side, she knew anything was possible. She loved this man all the more for what he’d done, sacrificing all he knew and loved to set her free, and to be with her. If she tried, Bella didn’t think she could ever love another man more. Sure, he had gold skin, markings on the side of his face, and two dicks, but she must have looked pretty funny to him when he first saw her.
    She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a long, lingering kiss, smiling in his face. “I love you too, Dar.”
    His smile said it all and she couldn’t be happier.
    Dar bent over and lifted her into his big, strong arms and then carried her over to the bed. He laid her down in the center with a gentleness that brought tears to her eyes.
    Slowly he shrugged out of his robe, revealing his tight body. The statue of David had nothing on this guy.
    He was the very meaning of the word perfection and he

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