Eternal Seduction

Eternal Seduction by Jennifer Turner

Book: Eternal Seduction by Jennifer Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Turner
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy
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inches away and waved it under her nose. “Don’t you remember how you felt when Dad took you?”
    Kerestyan pulled a pair of silver tongs from the drawer behind him then adjusted the steak. He remembered the day his Father approached him with striking detail, but he’d felt nothing bearing even the slightest resemblance to fear. “I wasn’t afraid of him.”
    “Really? I was terrified.” She clucked her tongue just before she rounded the counter, stole the utensil from his hand and bumped him out of the way with an ample hip. “Ten thousand years old and you still don’t know how to handle your meat.”
    He moved to take the seat Trinity had so willingly vacated, knowing she would never relinquish her new position without a fight. And truthfully, he’d had enough of fighting with the women in his life for one day. “I assure you, I’m more than adept at handling myself. I just haven’t prepared a proper meal for someone since before you were born.”
    She brushed her long black hair over a shoulder, disbelief clouding her already dark eyes. “I’m six thousand years old, K.”
    “I know.”
    She shook her head as she flipped the steak. “Here’s a thought,” a satisfied smile spread across her mouth, “stop sucking on those bottles and maybe you’d have a reason to learn how to cook again.”
    “My feeding preferences have nothing to do with my ability to prepare a meal.”
    She spun on her heel and began opening and closing cabinets. “Sure it does. When was the last time you went out into the city and hunted?”
    “Six months ago. What are you looking for?”
    “Spices. Where are they?”
    He shifted on the stool. He had no idea where the spices were, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. She’d never let him live it down. “Alfred set up my kitchen the same as he keeps the one in the castle. Unless Odin has moved something, everything should still be in the correct place.”
    She surveyed the room for a moment then opened the door two down from where she’d been looking. Rows of small, labeled bottles lined the shelves, along with a few that weren’t marked, as well as a number of packets and glass containers.
    “Sweet!” She pulled one of the unmarked bottles from the shelf and sniffed it. “You’ve got the old herbs. I don’t even have some of this stuff, and I actually use it and know where it is.”
    He groaned. “You couldn’t just let it go, could you?”
    Trinity flashed a smile over her shoulder before she returned to rummaging through the cabinet. “Not a chance. I’m also not going to let go that you haven’t hunted in six months. You know, most vampires our age hunt at least twice a week. That means your sucking more bottles than Necks. Necks keep you in touch with how the world is evolving. Necks help you stay connected and stop the beast from taking over.” She turned around with three bottles in hand and shook them. “Necks give you a reason to remember how to properly cook a gorgeous strip of New York steak!”
    Kerestyan arched a brow at her animated movements. “I think you’ve spent too much time with Odin.”
    She laughed, but it didn’t stop her from perfecting her creation. “I think you should spend more time with Odin. I’m not stupid. I know the only reason you have food in this place is because of him and Alfred. If it wasn’t for them, we both know Logan would starve and wouldn’t have so much as a tissue to wipe her ass with.”
    He stiffened at her insult. Granted, he might have been a little more detached from humanity than Odin, might have adjusted to the modern world at a slower pace, but that didn’t mean he’d lost sight of human needs. “That is not true.”
    “Oh, please. Unless your digestive system magically started working again and you didn’t tell anyone, you would’ve never thought to buy toilet paper. And since I’ve never seen you stick even a piece of gum in your mouth, I know you don’t eat.” When he opened his mouth to

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