Espino, Stacey - Her Cowboy Triple Team [Ride 'em Hard 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Espino, Stacey - Her Cowboy Triple Team [Ride 'em Hard 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Stacey Espino

Book: Espino, Stacey - Her Cowboy Triple Team [Ride 'em Hard 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Stacey Espino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Espino
cocks. Her breathing was no longer stilted but escaping in deep, throaty sighs. She’d crossed the line of caution into full wanton need, her base desires finally realized.
    “I feel so full.”
    “Good girl. You feel amazing squeezing my cock. So tight,” said Grant.
    “More,” she said.
    He began to pull out and fuck her. Ben joined in once he’d established a consistent rhythm. They worked well together, their cocks fighting for space in Kayla’s stuffed body. Grant could feel Ben’s dick glide against his, increasing the overall sensation. No wonder Chase was satisfied sharing his wife with two other men. Nothing was comparable to this. Ben may have teased Kayla about never being satisfied with one man after tonight, but Grant was beginning to suspect it would be the same for him.
    “Oh God, I feel like I’m going to explode.”
    Ben ran his hands up and down her back. “That’s because you have two men’s dicks inside you. Fucking you. You like sharing your body, don’t you?”
    “Yes!” She was close. So was he.
    Grant increased his speed and entered her harder, less guardedly. She wanted all of his cock now, no holding back. Kayla moved with them, trying to get as much of each of them inside her as she could. Even in the dark room, he could see the sexy lines and curves of her back. She had a nice, fleshy, round ass.
    Then he thought again about what Ben said. Was it true? Would she never be able to go back to one man after being double-teamed? He worried he’d sabotaged a potential relationship again by thinking with his dick. Matthew would kill him if he showed up at home moping about another loss with the same woman. Damn, he knew better. But all he could think about now was her ass tight around his cock, the smell of sex in the air, and the warmth of her skin under his exploring hands.
    Ben sucked air between his teeth. “You’re both squeezing the shit out of my cock. I won’t be able to last much longer.”
    Grant knew he could come any time. He just wanted the experience to last as long as possible and to give Kayla the most out of her first ménage. Watching his cock disappear into her gorgeous ass was a treat that he’d store to memory. “What are you waiting for, darlin’? Come for us. Milk both our cocks.”
    “Oh God…” She sucked in great amounts of air as if preparing for something monumental. “Oh God…” Then she gasped as if she’d been shot, falling over Ben’s chest. Her body clamped down hard, contracting in great waves until Grant couldn’t hold back his release. Both men came, their cocks throbbing together, only a thin membrane separating them inside Kayla.
    When it was done, they all collapsed in a mass of flesh and limbs. Grant draped his forearm over his eyes as he fought to catch his breath.
    Reality took its time trickling back into the forefront of his mind. He’d shared his sweet Kayla with his newly sworn enemy, Ben Richmond.

    * * * *

    They lay in bed for a while, getting their bearings after the wild sex. Kayla never expected to have anal sex tonight or ever. The idea had scared her shitless when Ben and Grant brought it up, but she quickly realized how fulfilling it could be to feel that full. It wasn’t painful, just took getting used to, and Grant was as patient as a saint while she familiarized herself with the fullness. Now that the fantasy was over, she felt uniquely vulnerable, a bit whorish, and very naked between two men.
    Ben was the first to get off the bed and start dressing. She watched his silhouette as he buckled up his jeans. “I’m glad you forgot your sweater,” he teased. “I’ll have to stop by your place more often.” He ran both hands through his hair. The silence seemed to linger, building up a life of its own. He didn’t have to say anything. She already knew he’d gotten what he’d wanted and didn’t want much more to do with her. “I’ll see you Monday then.”
    “Sure.” At least she had her new job—for

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