Escape From Zulaire

Escape From Zulaire by Veronica Scott

Book: Escape From Zulaire by Veronica Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Scott
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    In the morning, Andi and the others packed the supplies and headed into the thick forest for a long day’s slow march. By midmorning, Tom told her they were less than half a mile from the transportway. “I have hopes of capturing or commandeering some vehicles, but we’ve got to avoid roving groups of rebels. Wilson, you and Rogers scout ahead. Check out the situation on the road and report back.”
    Working their way into the brush, the two soldiers disappeared from view. Grateful for the break, Andi sank down in the grass, getting out her canteen. I hope Wilson takes his time on that recon. She was lightly dozing when Wilson and Rogers crashed back into the clearing at a dead run. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up with a start, grabbing for her blaster.
    “Trouble ahead, sir,” Wilson reported crisply. “Party of hostiles has four civilians stopped on the transportway. Looks like things are going to get ugly fast .”
    “We should go help them.” The urgent thought impelled Andi to her feet, and she took a step or two in the direction the scouts had just come from.
    Tom moved fast, grabbing her elbow hard and glaring down at her. “I thought I told you— more than once —my primary orders don’t allow me the discretion to go around the countryside rescuing everyone in distress.”   He spaced out each word for emphasis. “I have to get back to the capital. We’ve got vital information that could stop the entire planet from descending into war. I can’t conduct firefights and rescue individuals . You were an exception because someone somewhere pulled a lot of rank and got special orders issued. Okay?”
    Biting her lip, Andi flushed and jerked her elbow away from him. I wish he wouldn’t keep rubbing it in my face that I got special treatment. I didn’t ask for him to come rescue me.  
    Apparently satisfied she wasn’t going to argue, Tom’s next remark was addressed to the waiting sergeant. “How many hostiles?”
    “Fifteen. Armed with standard planetary-issue weapons, from what we could see.” Rogers nodded his agreement with Wilson’s rapid assessment. “No heavy stuff. No Sectors contraband. We could take them, sir.”
    Brow furrowing, Tom glared at Wilson. “We have to stay on mission here. You’re starting to sound like her.” He jerked his thumb at Andi. “I need a reason to break our rules of engagement.”
    Wilson looked at Rogers, getting no help from him beyond a sheepish shrug. Turning back to the captain, the sergeant continued to plead his case. “They’re roughing up a bunch of priests , sir. Defenseless noncombatants. Don’t seem right to walk away, orders or no orders. I…can’t explain it any better.”
    Tom pulled out his blaster and checked the charge. “All right, I’ll commit to going and assessing the potential for intervention.” He fixed Andi with a stern gaze. “I am not promising to intervene. So don’t push it, Miss Markriss.”
    Afraid to say anything and risk changing his mind, she simply nodded. From what she’d seen of Tom so far, he’d intervene all right. Soft heart inside a very tough exterior. She bit her lip, realizing he and his men would be going in harm’s way, based mostly on her request. I hope we won’t all regret my urging them into danger. There aren’t any good choices, only risky tradeoffs right now. She breathed a little prayer to the Lords of Space to watch over Tom and his men in the coming moments, especially if the situation turned into a firefight.
    “If they have vehicles, we could use a lift. The whole point of tracking us back to the transportway was to beg, borrow or steal a ride home.” Having found a military rationale, the captain wasted no time in moving out. “Abukawal, keep Sadu and Lysanda well to the rear.” He motioned for Wilson and Rogers to lead the way.
    Andi crept southward behind Tom, moving through the brush and scrubby trees lining the ridge. Soon, she was high atop the ridgeline

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