Erin The Fire Goddess: The Beginning

Erin The Fire Goddess: The Beginning by Lavinia Urban

Book: Erin The Fire Goddess: The Beginning by Lavinia Urban Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lavinia Urban
two trees, that were being used as make shift goal posts. The twins and Kelly were on one team and my dad and Sean on the other. I wasn't sure who was winning, I was just happy to watch.
    They continued playing for another 30 minutes, when my dad started complaining that he was too old and tired to keep up with the youngsters. Probably because he was only use d to playing with me and my sister, I knew I wasn't any good. A two year old had better ball control than me.
    " I'm going to go home to take a shower and change my clothes.” I heard Sean tell the others as my dad sat next to me on the bench.
    " You're getting old." I playfully teased my dad, as Sean walked over to where we both sat.
    " I'm a teenager at heart.” My dad smiled back at me, and then turned to face Sean, who was standing in front of us.
    " I'm heading home for a bit." He pointed over his shoulder, as if he were pointing to a house that wasn't there. “You fancy coming?” he asked me as he held his hand out.
    I looked at m y dad to see if it was okay.
    " Sure, go ahead." He smiled as I reached up to take Sean's hand. “"Just make sure you're back for dinner at 5pm."
    We walked, hand in hand, towards the trees, at the edge of the clearing, where Justin still stood between the makeshift goal posts. I had no idea where Sean 's house was or how far, it was just nice to take a walk alone with him.
    All my life I 'd dreamt that I would have a boyfriend. I still wasn't sure if Sean was my boyfriend or not. I hoped so. To be honest, I didn't feel I would ever get a boyfriend, but right now, whether or not he was, I felt I had hit the jackpot. I wasn't sure what would happen from now on, but I would be happy to spend my life in his arms, kissing his lips and him stroking my cheek. I wish I was more spontaneous to make a move to kiss him. I felt nervous and swallowed hard as I remembered his warm lips pressing against mine. Without realising, my hand had reached up to touch my lips. Quickly, I pulled my hand down as we reached a fence to a field that was full of baby's breath.
    " Wow!” I gasped, "It's beautiful.”
    Without realising, Sean had released my hand and was standing with his back to me, leaning against the fence.
    "Are we allowed to walk through here?” I asked nervously, as I started to climb the stile, he had used to get into the field. He waited on the other side, ready to catch me if I fell.
    “I know the owner 's very well.” He smiled with a shrug, as I stepped past him, to start walking through the flowers, with my arms stretched out on either side, with my palms facing forward, to catch the flowers as they brushed my fingertips.
    I hadn 't realised I was walking alone, until I looked around in panic, searching for Sean. By this time, I was a third of the way across the field. He was still leaning with his back against the fence watching me. I started to walk back towards him and stopped when I saw him start to hurry towards me. He wasn't smiling and I wasn't sure if I'd done something wrong. I looked at him confused and wanted to apologise for whatever I'd done. I felt sick with nerves, by the time he reached me, and he didn't stop moving.
    He grabbed my face and started to kiss me fiercely. At first I just stood there, frozen. Then I started to kiss him back more urgently. One of my hands ran my fingers through his hair, as my other started to slowly run up and down his back.
    To my embarrassment, I groaned as he pulled my head back by my hair and starting kissing my neck. My hand slipped to his bum and I heard and felt him laughing. His lips vibrating on my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.
    He laughed again, as he felt me tremble, then pulled away to look at me, with a smile I was falling in love with. I chastised myself for thinking that last thought. It was too soon for me to be feeling this way. Wasn 't it? I hardly knew him. He was surely going to break my heart. Hadn't I heard he used to have a different girl every week? What

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