Eria's Ménage
Chapter One
    “I swear, you’d marry me to a pair of fish if it would win you anything.” Eria glanced around the council room at the collection of potential mates. None had gills, at least none that were visible. None held any appeal either. “Is this the best you could do?”
    Her Lord Chancellor leaned toward her, putting his face close enough to her ear for the cloying perfume he wore to invade her nostrils. “You’ll find someone here, Excellency,” Kapt said. “There are so many to choose from.”
    “No doubt you’ll sample some of these before they leave.”
    He placed his hand on his chest and bowed, smiling.
    Eria couldn’t suppress a sigh. At least Kapt would enjoy himself with this latest lot. Several of the pairs of males were his type -- big boned and well padded. Her Lord Chancellor liked flesh, and plenty of it. He’d even made a few advances toward her.
    Discreet ones, of course, as he could never serve as her mate. She needed a pair of outworlders for that. Hence, this assembly of suitors.
    She looked out over the crowd of hopeful male faces and sighed. Why could she take no pleasure in the prospect of mating? She hadn’t had a man since she’d accepted the crown after her mother’s death. After she conceived, she never would again. She ought to enjoy her last encounter with a hard cock -- two of them, in fact -- before she spent the rest of her days alone.
    A difficult life to face, but she’d do her duty.
    Oh, hell, she might as well select the best of this lot and give them a good fucking. If only one of the many pairs of males here tempted her. She straightened in her throne. “All right. Have them present themselves.”

    Alice Gaines
    Eria’s Ménage
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    Kapt crooked a finger, and the first pair approached. Short and slight of build, they’d probably disappear in her bed, but at least they wouldn’t take up much room.
    Silken robes rustled around their legs as they walked, almost gliding to the foot of the dais that held her throne. Once there, they knelt and bowed until their foreheads touched the bottom stair.
    “Your Excellency,” one of them said. “Your beauty blinds us.”
    “The men on your world must like their women large,” she said.
    “We like whatever pleases you for us to like,” the other one said.
    What an ass. A perfectly matched set of twin asses. “I could eat the two of you at one sitting and have nothing left over.”
    They sat bolt upright at that and looked at each other, eyes wide. They’d probably taken her meaning literally. Good.
    “Excellency,” Kapt said.
    “And, I don’t need you to scold me.”
    “They’ve come a very great distance to please you,” Kapt said.
    They could go back again for all she cared. Still, courtesy demanded some show of hospitality on her part. “Please rise and ignore my twisted sense of humor.”
    They scrambled to their feet and smiled, although one’s gaze darted around the room as if looking for a quick escape from Eria and her appetite for men as food. She had appetites, all right, and some did involve taking male flesh deep into her mouth.
    Neither of these two promised enough to make the effort worthwhile, although the robes might contain surprises. With any luck, she might find more promising candidates.
    A murmur went up in the room as the door at the rear whooshed open. A single figure entered. Another man. Alone.
    He wore armor of a primitive sort. Above mid-calf boots, leather leggings stretched over broad expanses of muscle. Above that, a metal breastplate and matching codpiece. An impressively shaped piece of forge work, that last. Her breath caught as Alice Gaines
    Eria’s Ménage
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    she forced her gaze upward past finely corded arms to a rugged face framed by long black hair. Eyes the color of the deepest ice blue stared back at her.
    Damn, why couldn’t she mate with a man like him instead of the others who now stared at him in disapproval? Because there was only one of him, and she

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