Epic Escape

Epic Escape by Emily Evans

Book: Epic Escape by Emily Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Evans
creature screamed, but the smaller one didn’t look back. The legs trudged forward, the metal bracelet clanging behind like a tin can from a newlywed’s car.
    Megan shrugged awkwardly out of the loop and tossed it down to Riley.
    “Hurry,” Chase said.
    Riley lifted Veronica and hooked her in. Chase lifted her. Megan tightened her legs against the wall and reached down, ready to help.
    Veronica was lifted a foot higher, then her hand slipped loose, her injured wrist too weak to hold her up. “You go,” she said, hanging backwards, looking at Riley.
    “No.” Riley’s voice came out gruff and forceful. He dragged a crate over to the wall, and shoved her back into position, forcing her to grab the rope.
    Clatter, Clatter. The creature made its way forward.
    Veronica lifted into the air. Megan winced each time Veronica scraped against the brick wall, unable to brace herself.
    Chase didn’t stop. When she got close, Megan reached down, grabbed Veronica’s arms, and helped Chase lift her up beside them.
    That’s when the bug showed off its latest trick.

Chapter 37

    W hoosh. The stream of concentrated yellow-green slime arched over the wall, pooling on the other side, the liquid splashing like a heavy Texas thunderstorm. Megan covered her mouth, trying not to scream, not wanting to taste goo--it was enough just to have to smell it. The creature propelled a second jet of slime at Riley. He hit the pavement.
    Chase’s big hands latched onto Megan’s and he swung her to the other side of the wall. He released her and the impact of the hard pavement jolted through the soles of her shoes. She slipped a little in the goo, regained her balance, and moved forward to help Veronica.
    Chase took Veronica’s hands next. The spray hit her torso, the force shooting her over the wall. Chase didn’t let go. Veronica’s body banged hard into the bricks and though Chase tried to maintain his balance, he couldn’t. They landed hard on the pavement in the widening puddle of goo.
    Riley appeared at the top, and they heard the creature slam into the wall from the other side. Old mortar shook loose from between the bricks. From the sounds the creature was making, Megan thought it must’ve burst something new. Riley dropped down and stepped over the goo puddle to help Veronica up.
    Veronica kicked at the puddle. “Have you ever seen anything more disgusting?”
    “Or more beautiful?” Chase’s eyes were on the dark Ferrari 612 Scaglietti behind them. He approached the car slowly like a cautious lover, and opened the driver’s door. He slid into the leather seat. “The keys are in it.”
    With her good hand, Veronica shoved at the slime coating her body, shuddering. “We can’t just take someone’s car.”
    An antennae appeared over the wall. Riley wrapped an arm around Veronica’s waist and tugged. “Let’s go.” He guided her into the back seat.
    Megan ran the passenger’s side.
    “The word you’re looking for is boost ,” Riley said, “You’ve boosted someone’s car.”
    The engine purred, and Chase shifted into to reverse. The car slung backwards, smooth and fast. “Boost.”
    “That’s not the word I was looking for,” Veronica said, “That’s not a word I even want to know.”
    Chase reversed onto the main avenue and shifted the car into first. “ Ferrari. That’s the word you want.” His voice caressed the name.
    “These are screwed up circumstances,” Riley said, trying to justify it to Veronica.
    Megan breathed in the richness of the leather, the new car smell. “We’re getting slime on the seats.”
    Chase patted the steering wheel affectionately. “We’ll rub her down later.”
    Riley gently touched Veronica’s chin. “How’s your head?”
    “Fine…but I, well until I got hurt, I didn’t think this was really real. You know, any of this.” She cradled her wrist.
    Riley rubbed his own stabbed arm. “It’s real.”
    Veronica wiggled under the seatbelt, and dropped against him,

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