Ep.#14 - "The Weak and the Innocent" (The Frontiers Saga)
into the hovering shuttle.
    “Chasers!” the pilot called out as the commander landed just inside the door. The shuttle rolled right, turning hard in order to avoid the incoming missile.
    Telles felt the deck of the shuttle dropping out from under his feet as it took evasive maneuvers. The chaser missile passed directly beneath him as he felt himself falling back toward the surface.
    Then, abruptly, his fall stopped.
    Two different hands had grabbed him. One hand belonging to his friend, Master Sergeant Jahal, and the other to one of the combat jump shuttle’s door gunners. As the shuttle continued its right turn, they pulled the commander inside, just as several blue, needle-like beams from newly arriving drones slammed into the side of the climbing shuttle.
    “We’re hit! We’re hit!” the copilot reported.
    “Flight controls are still good,” the pilot reported.
    “We’ve lost both starboard emitters!” the copilot added.
    “Can we still fly?” Commander Telles asked as he struggled to get safely into his seat in the rear of the shuttle.
    “Yes, sir,” the pilot replied, “we can still fly, we just can’t jump.”
    “Can we make it to the Aurora?”
    “Yes, sir. It will just take us a few extra minutes, that’s all.”
    “Fine. As long as I get the fuck off this rock.”
    Master Sergeant Jahal patted his commander on the shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. “That was some bright fucking idea you had there, Lucius!”
    A small grin formed in the corner of the commander’s mouth. “Well, I am the commander, after all.”
    * * *
    “Flight Ops reports Commander Telles’ shuttle and Bulldog Six are both safely aboard,” Luis reported from the Aurora’s tactical station.
    “Red deck,” Nathan ordered.
    “Red deck, aye.”
    “Comms, ask the commander to report to the bridge.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Jump flash,” Mister Navashee reported. “Comm-drone.”
    “Incoming message from Scout One,” Ensign Souza announced. “They are on station at the KKV launch point. KKV will launch in…one minute.”
    Nathan glanced at the mission time on the tactical display on the main view screen. “Helm, break orbit and head for the Jung battleship’s last reported position.”
    “Breaking orbit,” Mister Chiles acknowledged.
    “Ready a jump, safe distance from the target and Scout Two.”
    “Plotting jump,” Mister Riley replied.
    Although Jessica said nothing, Nathan could feel her fear even more so than his own as she stood beside him. He wanted to reach out and take her hand, offer her comfort, but it was neither the time nor place for such gestures.
    “Another jump flash,” Mister Navashee reported. “Comm-drone.”
    Nathan spun his command chair slowly to the right, exchanging glances with Jessica momentarily before turning to look aft.
    “Flash traffic from Scout Two!” Ensign Souza called out as Commander Telles walked past him on his way to the tactical station. “Putting up audio.”
    “ Aurora, Scout Two! ” Captain Roselle called urgently over the loudspeaker. “ Three has jumped! I repeat, Scout Three has jumped away! There’s a big fucking hole in the side of the Jung battleship, and her port shields down! She’s lost main power and appears adrift! She’s wide open for attack! Take the shot now! ”
    Nathan glanced at the mission clock. “Comms! Flash traffic for Scout One! Abort launch!”
    “Flash traffic for One, abort, aye!”
    “Twenty-five seconds,” Luis noted, “it may not be enough time.”
    “Captain?” Commander Telles began.
    “How many men do you have with you?” Nathan asked.
    “About two dozen.” The commander’s expression changed as he realized Nathan’s intent.
    “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
    Commander Telles did not reply. Instead, he turned and headed toward the exit, tapping his comm-set on his way. “Flight Ops, Telles, ready both shuttles for immediate departure.”

    “ One minute to jump! ” the shuttle’s

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