Entice: An Ignite Novella
and Botis again. They walk right under us, talking loudly, completely oblivious to our presence. When Azael sees Botis, he opens his mouth as if to yell something, but I stop him before whatever insult he’s concocted has a chance to reveal our hideaway.
    “He’s by the tree again, Naamah. Center of the garden.”
    I crane my neck, trying to get my first glimpse of man without jostling the branch too much. Unfortunately, there are too many trees and hedges in the way. All I can make out is the dark outline of a sickly sweet cherry tree.
    “I can smell his curiosity. Spicy, like cinnamon,” Botis continues. “Where is it he thinks you went exactly?”
    “To bathe,” answers Naamah’s breathy voice.
    She takes a few steps closer to Botis and I can see her through the snarled branches below us. She is completely naked, her dark skin smooth and flawless under the pale light of the stars. Azael leans farther out on his branch, attempting to get a more complete view.
    You have to be joking, Azael. A little nudity and you go weak, I chastise him in my mind. Utterly useless.
    At least Botis is still dressed.
    If she knew how easily she could disarm you, you’d be in ruins.
    I’d let her , Azael says. I’d suffer damnation a million times to get a closer look at her.
    You’re already damned, Azael. And I swear, if you lean any farther, you’ll fall out of this tree—
    She would be great to land on.
    I punch him in the shoulder to get him to quiet his thoughts. I can’t hear what they’re saying!
    “He’s been anticipating the arrival of his replacement. The angels, apparently, are more than eager to cover up the blemish that was Lilith.” She reaches back to smooth out her already perfect hair. “It seems I was expected. He was promised a new wife, and he believes that I was sent for him.”
    “He thinks you are his wife!” Botis laughs. “An unholy union if ever there was one. And the guards—”
    “Are as ignorant as ever. I saw Uriel guarding the East, flaming sword and all. But they’re faced against outside threats, not what is inside the garden.”
    “Perfect.” He paces back and forth in front of Naamah, rolling his head, as if loosening his neck will help him think. “This man... Adam . What is he like?”
    “He’s gullible, easily manipulated because he has had everything handed to him. Nothing is out of his reach, except for that single tree.”
    “Then this will be simple. He will taste the fruit of the tree before the night is out.”
    She shakes her head, her hair swinging between her bare shoulder blades. “I’m his new wife. If I were to try and persuade him to eat from the tree so soon, his suspicion would overthrow his curiosity. There is no need to rush. It’s not as if those twins will be an obstacle.” She pauses, smiles. “We will sully Adam. Though it may not be tonight, it will happen soon. Can’t you feel it?”
    Botis tastes the air.
    “He will fall fast, on my honor. But you must begin.”
    Botis considers this. “He wouldn’t trust me as I am now.”
    “No,” she agrees. “He’s not expecting another partner.”
    “Then how do you propose I persuade him?”
    “Perhaps as a snake,” she offers. “One of God’s creatures surely couldn’t lie to him.”
    Azael lowers himself closer to the two, landing on a branch just below mine. The leaves shuffle.
    Dammit, Azael!
    Naamah and Botis pause their conversation and glance up at the tree. The shadows show us favor, though, and we remain hidden. After another moment of silence, their conversation resumes.
    “Have you seen the others, Azale and Pen?” Botis asks.
    That’s not how my name is pronounced , Az fumes beneath me.
    He remembered mine.
    “No.” Naamah looks around. “They are probably lost somewhere.”
    Botis laughs. “Children.”
    “Go to the man now,” Naamah tells Botis. “Tell him the fruit will give him power, will answer his questions. He has so many stupid questions, and none of the angels

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