Enslaved by a Rebel [Sold! 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Enslaved by a Rebel [Sold! 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) by Anitra Lynn McLeod

Book: Enslaved by a Rebel [Sold! 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) by Anitra Lynn McLeod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anitra Lynn McLeod
Tags: Romance
“It’s clear from this paper that he is the registered owner.”
    Rather than infuriate or embarrass him, Jarrett found the information gave him a burst of hope. Maybe all of this was over a stolen ship! “Clearly, there’s been a miscommunication. My mate”—Jarrett couldn’t believe how much he enjoyed calling Ranic that—“rented this ship for several days. It’s not due back until—”
    The smirk on the officer’s face turned into a full smile. He chuckled low and grumbly, sounding almost like he was a lawn mower trying to start. “I was furious when I was sent on this mission. I could not believe that I, a fully named warrior with three planets conquered”—he pointed to his right cheek and Jarrett noticed an odd tattoo of a curve with three dots below it—“would be sent to apprehend a puny Earthling and a mysterious Finoc. Yet you are worth everything I’ve endured on this ship from the excretable food to the utter lack of sexual slaves.”
    The officer’s gaze raked up Jarrett’s body and settled on his mouth. It was so blatant and suggestive that Jarrett felt molested even though he hadn’t been touched.
    “I find I was entirely wrong about Earthlings.”
    “Clearly, this is just a mix-up.” Jarrett forged ahead with his it’s-all-been-a-dreadful-mistake plan. “We were taking the ship back.”
    “You were taking this ship to Earth.”
    Jarrett was going to deny that, but if he did, he would have to tell this massive monster where they were going instead. Sadly, he didn’t know any other planet names. But maybe he could make his ignorance work to his advantage. “We got lost. I got us lost. I was trying to impress my husband, and I didn’t really know what I was doing. If you could just get us back on course to Aeirall, I’d be eternally grateful.”
    For a brief moment he thought he had succeeded because a curious expression overcame the officer’s face. However, it washed away, and he was laughing again. Harder this time. “You are priceless.” The officer looked beyond Jarrett’s shoulder to Ranic. “I can’t believe you got him so cheap when he is truly valuable.”
    “I wish you would stop laughing at me. It’s rude.”
    “Rude?” The officer leaned over so his face was practically a breath away from Jarrett’s. “Rude is you treating me like a simpleton. Rude is you standing there telling me a story that wouldn’t fool a child. Rude is you acting like a big man when you are nothing but a dead man walking.”
    His final comment told Jarrett it was all over. This officer knew the whole story and had only been toying with him. From what Ranic had said, Krasekind wasn’t very sympathetic. If they couldn’t fuck it or take it over, they generally destroyed it. Now it was clear they weren’t here for the ship. That was simply incidental. They were here for him. In a way he’d known it in his gut, but his hope had overshadowed that and messed with his mind.
    “Don’t hurt my mate.”
    The officer pulled back a fraction, his right eye narrowing.
    “He didn’t know. He hasn’t done anything wrong except to try to protect me. If I willingly go with you, will you let him go unharmed?” Jarrett didn’t want to die, but if he had to, he sure as hell didn’t want Ranic to join him.
    “Don’t offer yourself out like that.” Ranic stepped to Jarrett’s side and gripped his hand. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”
    The officer considered them for a very long time without any expression on his face at all. Jarrett wasn’t sure if they were going to get laughed at again or if he was gearing up to start rearranging their limbs. If he were forced to choose, he’d rather have the laughter because that only hurt his pride.
    “I have been ordered to take you into custody and escort you back to Krase.” He pointed to the other warrior and made a finger gesture that looked like some type of sign language.
    The warrior nodded and left them.
    “You will follow me

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