Enemy Mine

Enemy Mine by Katie Reus

Book: Enemy Mine by Katie Reus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Reus
between her legs grew almost unbearable. Heat and need made her clench her thighs together. She stared at the expanse of all that muscle, her eyes trailing down his chest, following the faint trail of hair that led straight to . . .
    “Keep looking at me like that and you won’t get breakfast.” His deep voice sent a thrill rolling through her.
    Feeling her face heat up, she met his gaze as she stepped into the room. The tile was cool against her feet, but it did nothing to ease the heat engulfing her. Her lower abdomen tightened with unbearable need. Who wanted breakfast anyway? Before she could blink, he’d crossed the distance between them and lifted her up, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist.
    Since she wasn’t wearing anything under the shirt, when she spread her thighs around him her clit rubbed against the front of his jeans. The friction against the rougher material made her moan into his mouth as he dominated her with his.
    This morning his kisses were slow, sensual, unlike the fast and frantic ones last night. Eventually, she pulled back, a lazy smile on her lips. “You taste like coffee. I didn’t think vampires needed anything other than blood.”
    “Sweetheart, no one
coffee, I just like the taste. Almost as much as I like the way you taste.”
    It didn’t matter how intimate they’d been, his words made her cheeks heat up. She peered over his shoulder, sighing in happiness at the sight of the full pot on the counter. Looking back up at him, she grinned. “Are we alone?” A quickie before breakfast—even before coffee—sounded perfect.
    His eyes seemed to get even darker as he nodded. But the moment his lips touched hers, the side door to the kitchen flung open. Kiernan immediately set her on her feet and tried to block her body with his, but she held on to his waist and peered around him.
    Ronan strode in with the redheaded vampire she’d seen at that restaurant with Kiernan. Remembering the way the woman had touched Kiernan’s chest made Melina’s claws come out.
    Letting out a sharp hiss, Kiernan encircled her wrists and gently lifted them off his hips. Maybe she should be embarrassed by her reaction but she didn’t care. She was making a claim on Kiernan as much as he’d made it clear he was making one on her. “Sorry.” At least she hadn’t broken his skin. Not that it would have really mattered. She’d seen how fast he could heal, and it was impressive.
    “What the hell is she doing here?” Kiernan asked his brother, completely ignoring the other woman as Melina moved out from behind him to get a better view.
    His brother’s expression darkened, and Melina realized he had a tight grip on the woman’s upper arm. “Tell them what you told me,” he ordered the female.
    The redhead gritted her teeth for a moment and her eyes looked bizarre. Really dilated, almost as if she was on drugs. “I called . . . Uberto Mazzoni . . . told him the female shifter was leaving the restaurant alone.” Her weird eyes flicked to Melina. “It’s how he knew where you were.”
    “Why is she talking like that?” Melina asked, frowning at the woman as she digested her admission. Her words were stilted, as if she didn’t want to be talking but couldn’t stop herself.
    “Ronan can compel other vampires to speak the truth. It’s one of his gifts,” Kiernan said.
Melina was silent as Ronan dragged the woman forward another few feet. Immediately Kieran stepped half in front of Melina, blocking her. She didn’t bother biting back a smile at his over-protectiveness. “So the other night she called the Mazzonis to tell them I’d be leaving?” It had alarmed her how they’d known so quickly, but she’d assumed they’d just been following her.
    Ronan nodded at her, then focused on his brother. “I thought it was weird that she called me out of the blue, so I did some checking up on her phone records and found she’s been in frequent contact with Uberto Mazzoni

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