Enemy Mine

Enemy Mine by Karin Harlow

Book: Enemy Mine by Karin Harlow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karin Harlow
his rage as if she knew she had it coming. Of course she did!
    She’d murdered his daughter! She had it coming and then some.
    Her lover shoved his way back up the stairway toward them. Nikko pushed Selena behind his back and faced the murderous man. “La señorita no te quieres,” he said.
    The woman does not want you. The man’s eyes blazed furiously.
    “Armadeo,” Selena said, stepping from behind Nikko. “I have a bit of unexpected business to attend to.”
    “I’m your only business tonight.” Armadeo snapped his fingers and pointed to the spot next to him. “You, here, now.”
    Selena laughed low, the sound seductive. “Oh, Madeo, now you push too far. I choose who I conduct business with and when, not the other way around.” Her gaze hardened. “Now, agree to my terms or we are concluded for the evening.”
    His face contorted in rage, but he said, “Five minutes.”
    “You will not regret it,” Selena said, and strode away from them both.
    Nikko went after her. Catching up to Selena, he grabbed her wrist. Once again, the contact was electric. He gritted his teeth, afraid he might not be able to control what he wanted to do to her before he got the answers he’d come for. “Somewhere private,” he growled, releasing her. Contact only instigated his bloodlust.
    She calmly contemplated his order with hooded eyes, then turned and led him to a door behind the DJ booth. As she closed it behind them, she pressed a hidden button beside the doorjamb. A door slid open on the adjacent wall, leading to a stairway. Selena preceded him. Warily, he followed her to the third floor, not once taking his eyes off the subtle sway of her hips. But it was her scent that drew him like a lovesick teenager.
    Jesus . Her fucking scent. A siren’s call. It clamped unrelentingly around his head and his cock. As they topped the stairwell, she opened a door to a small vestibule from which another door opened into a large octagonal shaped anteroom.
    “My office,” she said, extending her hand to a single-panel black door at the other end.
    Nikko was stretched as tight as he could go without snapping. His human part and the vampire blood wanted the same thing: primal satisfaction. He followed Selena into the office and slammed the door shut behind them. Startled, Selena whirled around and faced him.
    Her stormy dark eyes stared up at him in shock, and something else. She was in as much turmoil as he. But she was not afraid of him. And that pissed him off. She should be. “Why didn’t you die, damn it!”
    “Johnny,” she said, her voice clogged with emotion.
    “Don’t fucking Johnny me! You killed my daughter!”
    “No,” she gasped. “I—”
    “ Don’t lie to me.” He yanked her to him, wanting to ease his pain by hurting her. His lips swooped down on hers, gnashing teeth against teeth. And she took it. Her scent intensified with her body heat. “Bitch,” he hissed, and bit her bottom lip. The taste of her blood incited his raging libido to terrifying heights. He ripped her dress down to her waist. Her smooth caramel-colored breasts popped out, the dark areolas pebbled, her nipples so hard they looked like little beads. Voraciously, Nikko laved one, then sucked it against the roof of his mouth. Selena gasped. Grasping his shoulders, she arched into him.
    Her response only added fuel to his fury. What was her game? Did she think all was forgiven? He growled, pushing her against the edge of her desk. “Why did you let me think I killed you?” he demanded, shaking her. At her failure to respond, he clamped both hands around her neck. “I hated myself for what I did to you. I hated that I killed you!” His thumbs rubbed up and down her throat. “I loved you!” he shouted, tightening his grip. “You destroyed it.”
    Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. God! He wanted the pain to end! But he would not be like her again and kill the thing he loved above all others. And God help him, he still loved

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