
Emmett by Diana Palmer Page B

Book: Emmett by Diana Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Palmer
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he could overrule her and take anything he wanted. She hoped her unease didn’t show too much.
    â€œYou’re efficient,” he remarked.
    She smiled. “Oh, I’m very domestic. I had to learn early. My mother was an invalid for years before she and Dad died. Randy and I would have starved if I hadn’t been able to cook.”
    His face closed up at the mention of his ex-wife’s new husband.
    Melody put detergent into the dishwasher and started it running. Her eyes flicked to Emmett and away. “Yes, I know, you hate my brother as much as you hate me.”
    His green eyes were completely without hostility for once as he studied her. The black dress she was wearing suited her fair complexion. Its fit emphasized her full breasts and hips and small waist, and the milky-white softness of her shoulders with their scattering of freckles. He liked what he saw when he looked at her, even if it was against his better judgment.
    â€œI don’t hate you,” he said quietly.
    â€œPull the other one, Emmett.”
    She’d turned and was starting out the door when he moved with surprising speed and blocked her way. “I like the way you say my name. Say it again.”
    His arm was across the doorway, almost touching the tips of her breasts. She tensed at the sensual threat of it. “This isn’t wise,” she said seriously, meeting his green eyes levelly.
    One eye narrowed. His gaze on her face was intent, curious. “Isn’t it? Maybe not. We’re years apart—almosta generation. Funny, I always thought you were older. I don’t know why. You seem very mature for a woman just barely out of her teens.”
    â€œI had to grow up fast. May I get by, please?”
    He could see her breathing quicken. “Why are you afraid of me?”
    Her eyes darted up and down again. Her cheeks colored. “Am I?”
    He reached out and caught her by the waist. He tugged, pulling her slowly to him, so that her mouth was poised just under his.
    â€œMaybe intimidated is a better choice of words,” he murmured. His hands slid up her rib cage with slow sensuality, making her flinch at the sudden pleasure of their touch. “I know a hell of a lot more than you do about this, don’t I, little one?” His breath was warm on her parted lips. “Is that what’s wrong?”
    â€œYes,” she whispered breathlessly.
    He looked at her mouth instead of her eyes. It trembled, pink and soft like some pastel flower, waiting to be touched. She was so young, he thought. She really was off-limits to a man his age.
    But even as he thought it, his lips moved the scant inches necessary to bring them right down over her whispered gasp, and took possession of that petal-pink mouth.
    She grasped his shirtfront and stiffened in surprise.
    â€œShh,” he whispered against her lips while he worked with sensuous mastery at parting them. “You’re safe. You’re perfectly safe. There won’t be anything to regret. Relax for me.”
    She’d been kissed. She’d been kissed plenty of times, and even by him! There was certainly no reason whyEmmett’s mouth should be so different from any other man’s.
    But, it was. Her whole body felt as if it contracted while Emmett’s warm, strong arms enveloped her and his tongue slowly, tenderly impaled her mouth as it had once before. She stiffened again as the throbbing pleasure began to make her feel unwanted, unwelcome sensations. She fought them.
    He felt the resistance, as slight as it was, and lifted his dark head.
    â€œYou’re still holding back from me,” he said, his voice tender if a little unsteady. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
    â€œIt makes me feel funny,” she replied dizzily.
    His nose brushed lazily against hers. “Where?”
    â€œIn my stomach…”
    â€œGood,” he whispered. His lips eased back down and brushed hers apart, teasing them to

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