
Emmett by Diana Palmer Page A

Book: Emmett by Diana Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Palmer
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    She took down cups and saucers from the cabinet, and while she got the coffee service together, Emmett moved around the living room, restless and unsettled. His eyes searched out the books in her bookcase, the framed prints on the wall. He seemed to be noticing everything, taking inventory of her likes and dislikes.
    He was thumbing through a volume of poetry when she put the coffee things on the dining-room table.
    He put the book down and joined her at the table. She put cream and sugar into hers. He left his own black.
    â€œI’ve got some cookies around here somewhere,” she offered.
    â€œNo need. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth,” he said. He stared into his coffee. “How did you know?” “Know what?”
    He looked up with a rueful smile. “That I needed to talk about the kids.”
    â€œYou picked a fight for no reason,” she murmured dryly. “I used to have a friend in school who did the same thing. She never said what was bothering her. She picked fights until I made her tell me.” She fingered the rim of her coffee cup. “Or maybe you didn’t exactly pick a fight for no reason,” she added sadly. “You aren’t over Randy and Adell, really.”
    He moved restlessly in the chair. “It’s going to take time.”
    Her eyes lifted to his. He didn’t know that Adell was pregnant. How was she going to tell him? How could she tell him?
    He saw that curious expression and scowled. “There’s something,” he said slowly. “Something you’re holding back. What is it?”
    She averted her gaze to the coffee cup. “Nothing.”
    â€œNow you sound like one of the kids.” He moved her coffee cup out of her reach and caught her hand in his over the small table. “Out with it. You made me talk when I didn’t want to. It’s your turn.”
    He nodded reassuringly. “Come on.”
    She winced. Her big, dark eyes were full of sadness, sorrow. “Adell…is pregnant.”
    He didn’t react at all for a minute. He let go of herhand and sat back in his chair. He let out a long, rough breath. “Well.”
    â€œYou’d have found out sooner or later. I didn’t want to have to be the one to tell you.”
    He looked at her. “You didn’t? Why?” he asked, letting the shock of what he’d learned pass over him for the moment.
    â€œYou resent me enough already because of my brother,” she said miserably.
    His eyes searched her wan, sad face. “Do I?” he wondered aloud. It didn’t feel like hatred. No, not at all.
    He drained his coffee cup, and she took it, and hers, into the kitchen. She felt terrible. Working helped sometimes, so she busied herself loading the dishwasher. There wasn’t much, but she’d saved last night’s pots and pans to make a load. Behind her, she felt Emmett’s eyes and could only imagine the torment he must be feeling. She wanted to console him, but she didn’t know how.
    After a minute, Emmett got up and poised himself against the kitchen counter to watch her work. He didn’t want to think about Adell being pregnant by her new husband. He wasn’t going to let himself do that now. Later would be time enough.
    Melody was graceful for such a tall woman, he thought reluctantly, watching her hands as she put the dishes into the dishwasher.
    She noticed the look she was getting. It made her tingle. He’d long since taken off his dinner jacket and tie and Stetson. His long-sleeved, pristine white shirt was partially unbuttoned and the sleeves were rolled up. He looked elegant and rakish, and Melody was surprised that he seemed to find her so interesting. He’d beenmarried, and she knew very well that women still chased him. He had more experience than any man she’d ever dated. It made her nervous to remember how vulnerable she was with him, how easily

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