Embracing Us (Embracing Series)

Embracing Us (Embracing Series) by Delisa Lynn

Book: Embracing Us (Embracing Series) by Delisa Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delisa Lynn
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dealing with all of this today is making me really tired.
    “She’s at the Disney Grand . I just talked to the desk clerk. She just checked in about an hour ago. She has another lady and all three kids with her.” Kade says as he leans in between the car seats.
    “Good, we should be there within minutes.” I say, I look over at Liam. I can see the unshed tears in his eyes.
    “Is it okay if I go in and talk to her first?” I ask, knowing she won’t want to see Liam probably. “Just in case she is still pissed with you.”
    “That’s a good idea Ashton, we will sit in the lobby and wait.” Liam says.
    We all walked in the hotel, we look rough, and three handsome men that look like they hadn’t slept in days walking in with a beautiful woman. I bet they had their opinions of us. I walk to the front desk and there was a young blond working.
    “Welcome to the Disney Grand, can I make you a reservation?”
    “Hi Miss, how are you? I’m actually looking for my sister, Lila Carls-Ellis, they said she had checked in a few hours ago with my sister and kids.”
    “Yes, she did. She is in room number five-thirty-two.”
    “Thank you so much , Ma’am. Here, I know it isn’t much, but buy yourself something pretty.” I say as I hand her a one hundred dollar bill.
    I go to find her room and knock on the door, Kaylin opens it. The look on her face is priceless, she just opens the door and points to the bathroom. The kids are asleep already. AJ is in one bed and the girls are in another. Lila’s in the shower.
    “Li, it’s me Ashton. I’m coming in, so cover yourself up.”
    “Ashton, what the fuck, how in the hell did you find us? And how did you get in my room?”
    “Well, we called Kade in to help us, then your friend Megan. They’re both downstairs with Liam. Why in the hell did you come here? Why did you take the kids?”
    “Why not ? Liam sure doesn’t want me around. I wasn’t leaving without my girls and knew AJ would enjoy hanging out with us. Please don’t be mad at me. I love him as if he were my own, you know that. Now go out so I can get dressed.”
    I hand her a towel, and she steps out of the shower, she looks so sad and tired. The towel barely fits around her belly, she has a beautiful glow. I still kick myself in the ass daily. She was always supposed to be mine, then I fell right into that trap for Liam to have her. Stupid me.
    “Liam is worried sick about you , lady. We know you were at the tattoo shop. Why did you want a tattoo now? We also know you were at Addison’s grave. But we didn’t think you would come this far. Why here? Why couldn’t you go to the bounce house?”
    “Well, your wonderful cousin treated me like shit yesterday , and I will not be talked to like that. I guess he told you, about the baby right?” I just look at her not saying anything back. “Well I cheated on him and this baby might be Evan’s. Don’t look at me like that. Yes, I fucked up, I deserved the whole strip club thing. But I wanted a tattoo to prove to him that I’m only his, but I couldn’t because of the baby. So I went to get my girls and couldn’t leave my little nephew, I called Kaylin and we headed here.”
    “Li, I know everything. We all make mistakes, but that gives you no reason to run away. We all were so worried. Now get dressed there is three others that want to see you.” I say as I hug her tight. She wraps her small arms around me and lets out a sniffle.
    “Ugh, fine. I just wanted to be alone for a few days. Just to think, I’m sure Liam wants a divorce.” She says wiping tears from her face.
    “Why would you think that? That man loves you more than anything. I’m going to send him up here okay?” I say , as I lean over and kiss her temple.
    “Thanks Ashton, I’m glad you don’t think I’m a whore.”
    “Anytime babe, and I would never think that about you. We go back a long time Li, and I will always be here for you. Never forget that. Don’t take my son again, or

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