Embracing the Unexpected
    “It’s because I’m such a good friend,” Parker finally said
after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, “that I burst into your session.
I know it was wrong, but when I heard her screaming all I could think about was
the night she came to my house so broken and hurt.”
    Parker closed his eyes and Jace instinctually took his hand,
offering him comfort. He knew how responsible Parker felt for Ava. The bond between
them was like none Jace had ever seen before. At times, he was envious. Ava was
in a much better place with Parker than he was. Parker could openly bring her
around his friends and family. They didn’t have to hide their relationship.
Jace wondered if that was why he had reacted so strongly when Parker swooped in
to save her. Maybe he was jealous?
    “I can’t get that image out of my head, no matter how hard I
try.” Parker leaned back against the cushions. Jace wanted to comfort him, but
he wasn’t sure if Parker wanted him to.
    “What happened with Ava and Mike wasn’t your fault,” Jace
reminded him. “Ava is overcoming her past. I think you need to as well.”
    “I know.” Parker nodded. “I’m sorry for interrupting your
session. I was out of line.”
    “I get where you were coming from, even if I wasn’t thrilled
about it, but you have to understand, I take my work very seriously and just
because you and I are in a relationship doesn’t mean you can interfere in Ava’s
    “I upset you,” he whispered. “I never want to do that
    “Parker.” Jace rested his head against the cushions as he
looked into Parker’s eyes. “That’s not a realistic goal. Couples fight, and
we’ll be no different. I could have stayed and handled things better, but if
you remember anything from my anger management class, sometimes it’s best to
walk away and cool down. I needed some time. I didn’t want to lash out at you.”
    “I understand, but when you walked out, it scared me.”
Parker reached out and stroked his cheek. “I can’t be without you. It took me
so long to find you.”
    “I wouldn’t leave you over one misunderstanding. Can’t you
feel how much I love you?”
    Jace could see the shock on Parker’s face, but he couldn’t
hold in his feelings any longer.
    “You don’t have to reciprocate.” He brushed his lips against
Parker’s mouth. “I just wanted you to know.” Jace had been feeling that way
ever since New York, but he didn’t want to force Parker into admitting
something he wasn’t certain of. Jace respected how new this was for him. They’d
already shared more than he thought they could when he first met him.
    Parker leaned into Jace’s kiss, wrapping his arms around his
body and pulling him closer. “I do reciprocate,” Parker mumbled against his
lips. “I realized just how much I loved you when you told me to leave today. It
hurt. I was afraid we were over.”
    “I’m so sorry,” Jace said. “I love you, and I never want you
to leave.”
    “I don’t ever want to leave, so please don’t send me away. I
can’t handle it.”
    “Not ever again,” Jace said as he pushed him onto the sofa.
“You’re the only thing in my life that matters to me.”
    “Show me how much, Jace.” Parker looked up at him with
desperate eyes. “I want to feel you inside me.”
    “Fuck.” Jace shivered as he ground himself into Parker’s
hard cock. “We have to take this upstairs to the bedroom, but from now on, I’m
keeping a bottle of lube in every room in this house.”
    A few minutes later, they were naked and tangled together in
Jace’s bed. Jace was massaging Parker’s opening, relaxing him and getting him
ready for what was coming. He always took good care of Parker and never wanted
him to feel uncomfortable when they were intimate.
    “Jace, please…” Parker moaned.
    “I know, baby,” Jace said against his stomach as he moved
his fingers in and out of him. He was just as eager as his partner. “I just
want to make sure

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