Embracing the Fall

Embracing the Fall by Lainey Reese Page B

Book: Embracing the Fall by Lainey Reese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lainey Reese
Tags: Embracing the Fall
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talking to her,
     because he was staring at his bite mark on Z while he traced one finger over it in
     a long, slow circle.
    “Um, y-yes, Sir?” Cami barely managed to get out.
    “Will you please tell Z here how your clothes were removed?” Still without looking
     up and still tracing those marks. Cami felt her own neck arch in an unintentional
    “You-you had me remove them, Sir.” Cami swallowed and arched again. It was becoming
     hard to stay still.
    “Do you know why I had you take them off?” He dipped his head and kissed the mark
     and Cami shuddered, or maybe it was Z, she couldn’t tell any more. “Or why I am not
     going to allow Ziporah to do the same?” Z stiffened, then his big calloused hands
     gripped her arms tight and he tugged her to the tips of her toes as her eyes widened
     in alarm until they took up her whole face.
    “Umm, n-n-no Sir.” Cami had no idea sex caused stuttering but apparently for her it
     did. “I d-don’t know why, Sir.”
    “For some women,” he growled as he let Z’s heels slam back onto the floor and fisted
     her hair in one hand to yank it out of his way. “The charge–” one hand tore at the
     zipper in the back, “comes from the strip tease.” His eyes locked on Cami’s and seared
     her soul. “Shedding the shy little girl and letting the sex goddess out to play.”
     Her breath caught and she thought yes! Oh God, yes! “Now, for others–” He released Z’s hair with a hard turn of his wrist that had Z
     gasping and used both hands to tug and yank her dress not just down, but off. “For
     others, the charge comes from pure–” Next he ripped her strapless bra off and flung
     it away, “brute–”Her panties were next, and for those he gripped the delicate lace
     of the thong by reaching his hands around her and grasping them right over the crotch,
     “strength.” He tore them to shreds and Z was moaning audibly as he pulled the tatters
     from her then bundled them into a wad that he stuffed in her mouth. Cami didn’t realize
     that her own mouth was hanging open in envy until it snapped shut when Evan looked
     at her.
    “Fucking beautiful,” he said when he turned Z to face him. Evan fisted one hand in
     her hair and the fingers of his other hand brushed over her lips and the lace that
     was stuffed between them. “So beautiful like this, sweet Ziporah.” She whimpered for
     him at that and Cami saw the corners of his eyes crinkle in an almost smile. “I see
     you like being gagged as much as I like gagging you, huh sugar?” He did something
     then that almost made Cami come. He leaned forward and sniffed at the panties caught
     in Z’s teeth and Mmmm’d in pleasure. With his nose nudging at her lips in teasing brushes, he continued. “But,
     unfortunately, I’m not gagging you tonight. Not on our first night of play.” Then
     he snapped his own teeth on a bit of lace that was dangling out and slowly, inch by
     miniscule inch, dragged them from her mouth. The way he then tossed his head and let
     them fly could only be described as rakish, and it was just one more mind-blowing
     image to go with the thousands she had stored up already … and they had barely gotten

Evan felt himself doing something he rarely did this early in a scene; he was hitting
     top space. It was that perfect head zone that took his entire being and narrowed every
     cell and atom in his body until they focused on his subs. He now breathed for them.
     His very heart beat for them. He was hyper aware of every nuance in their expressions
     and twitch of their muscles. Even his sense of smell was enhanced and he could pick
     up not only their individual perfumes, but the different scent of each of their arousals
     as well.
    He marched Ziporah to the bedside opposite Cami and shoved her to her knees, because
     she needed his mastery over her body as surely as Cami had needed his mastery over
     her will.
    They called to two different sides of him

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