Embracing Eternity

Embracing Eternity by Voirey Linger

Book: Embracing Eternity by Voirey Linger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Voirey Linger
Tags: Erótica
There. Harder. Faster.
    He seemed to understand. His fingers increased speed and he sucked hard on her clit, giving it a small nip as he did.
    The small bit of hurt sent her over the edge. It was almost like Falling again. Fire exploded over her skin, singeing her, tearing her apart and sending her hurtling through space. It vibrated through her, the shock sending answering ripples through her body and mind.
    It seemed to go on and on, and yet was over all too soon. Meela drifted until her shattered soul came together again, remade into something new. Something better.
    Something loved.
    He settled beside her and she rolled against him, his loose gossamer robes tangling around them.
    “You didn’t come,” she said, stroking one hand down his chest to where his robes angled across his stomach.
    “Your pleasure is my pleasure.”
    She propped herself up on one elbow and leaned over him. “You are so self-sacrificing it’s almost annoying.”
    “Almost. What would it take to be really annoying?”
    “Right now I feel too good to be annoyed by anything but the fact that you aren’t feeling as good as I am.” She found the edge of his robes and tugged, but it was stuck, pinned tight under them.
    Too sated to fight it, she settled for stroking him through the gossamer. Finer than silk, it hid little of his feel, hard and long, the heat of his cock burned in her hand. He’d fill her so nicely. The thought sent a fresh rush of heat through her and she could feel the slick slide of her own arousal.
    Wrapping her hand around him, she began to pump, sliding the silky material over his cock. He was already close, she could tell. Even through the fabric, she could feel his balls pulled up tight and the tension making his muscles tremble.
    Evan buried his face in her hair. Heat washed over her as his breath came in harsh gasps. With a groan he began to rock in time to her fist. “Ah, Meela, do not,” he panted as her pace increased.
    Merciful Heavens, she wanted to feel him, wanted to be skin-to-skin against him, but she couldn’t even concentrate enough to make his robes vanish.
    She pulled her knee up and moved to straddle him, so that his cock and her fist were tight against her wet flesh. Their movements forced her own knuckles against her clit. Every shift in their bodies, every thrust and parry, sent a new wave of need through her. Holding still, she let him pump into her hand, let him control the speed.
    Her own rush to orgasm took her by surprise. After the force of her last one, she hadn’t expected to actually want to come again.
    But the tension was building. It was smaller, less intense than the last, but she could definitely come again. Her spine tightened, twisting and bowing, arching her body. Beneath her, Evan began to shudder and groan.
    This time, her climax rolled over her in a gentle wave, less violent but no less shattering than the one before. Her soul cracked into a million fragments. The darkness inside her broke and she felt a sliver of her own power trickle through her. It shone against his, the sparkle of diamonds against the gentle, verdant earthiness of his.
    She was destroyed, her entire being broken and restored in an instant. The loss of her Fall, the pain of Hell, erased in that one perfect moment with Evan.
    She buried her face in the curve of Evan’s shoulder and tried to catch her breath. That had been…magnificent? Incredible?
    No. It had been perfect.
    “Meela, are you okay?” Evan stroked her hair and eased back, tipping his head to look into her eyes.
    Their breath steamed between them and the winter air stung her lungs as she tried to catch her breath. Unable to speak, she simply nodded.
    He rolled to his side, laying her carefully on the hard ground beside him. Meela grabbed at his robes, not wanting to let him go, not yet. Not until her heart had stopped pounding. Not until this feeling of being alive once more faded. Because it would fade. All illusions did.
    Some of the joy

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