
Elysian by Addison Moore

Book: Elysian by Addison Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addison Moore
Tags: Fantasy, Young Adult
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point of view. Marshall and I look hideous, alarmed by one another rather than lost in desire.
    “Obviously paradise doesn’t agree with him,” I quip. “He’s lost his touch. And really? Erotic art as wedding gifts? On velvet no less? Crass Marshall, very crass.”
    “It’s the right surface I assure you. Once you settle into the Soullennium you’ll see the things of earth you’ve arrogantly dismissed were ironically the very treasures of heaven.”
    I’m not planning on “settling into the Soullennium” but I opt out of the argument in the making and change the subject.
    “That’s not why I’m here.”
    “I know why you’re here.” Marshall smolders and sets my insides on fire. “I observed your mental musings in the car on the way over.” He cinches a satisfied smile. “It was lewd and crude, and I entirely approve—just the part about me. Do try not to lust after boys while sealed to yours truly. It’s bad form.”
    “I thought you couldn’t read my thoughts?”
    “It’s a power I’ve been gifted for assisting in the war. A reward you might say.”
    “Perfect.” I slap my hands over my thighs as I make my way toward the couch. Now I have to deal with a lifetime of Marshall prying into my private thoughts. “I’m a bit disturbed by this.” I plop down, and Marshall glides in beside me, uncomfortably close. “By the way, I’m not so crazy about this spiritual covenant we’ve entered into, either.”
    “You didn’t seem to mind when I walked you through the flames.”
    Everything in me softens.
    Marshall is absurdly gorgeous with those crimson eyes, those impossibly cut features—that get-in-my-bed attitude. I can’t seem to stay mad at him for more than five minutes.
    “No, I didn’t mind it then.” I pick up his hand and pull it close to my chest. “I want to speak with my mother. That’s why I’m here. I need answers about my future, and I’m desperate to get them. There’s no way I can choose between Logan and Gage—not even you.” I tug on his fingers. “You’re special, Marshall, and I can’t live without having you in my life.” I’m too embarrassed to admit that he clots up my mind in other far more carnal ways—that I could see myself being content, day in and day out, with Marshall fulfilling my every physical desire.
    He wiggles my hand without losing his steely gaze.
    “I’ll take you to see your mother. I have an appointment with her soon. I’ll bring you with me.”
    “Excellent! What’s the appointment for?”
    “I’ve been convicted of the charges brought against me.” He narrows in on me. “The Justice Alliance held court and found me guilty.”
    “What does that mean?”
    “It means you may never see me again.”
    In the late hours of the night, I wait in the butterfly room for Logan to lock up the bowling alley. He apologized profusely, but mentioned Gage called and said he wouldn’t be able to work his shift, so it left him shorthanded. Gage knew Logan and I were going out tonight, and I can’t help but feel I’m the reason he called in.
    I don’t know when this madness will end. I suppose once I decide who to be with then the other two will just have to live with the aftereffects. But I know there’s no way I can logically make that decision. I’d have more luck pulling a name out of a hat, and I might just have to resort to that.
    A low rumble comes from the other side of the attic, followed by footsteps. The tiny door opens, and Logan squeezes through.
    “I would have let you through the front.” I pull him in and dot his lips with a kiss, startling myself from the spontaneity of the act. It feels natural kissing Logan when I see him, when I’m with him, and when we’re about to part ways. I’m going to make a lousy girlfriend to either Gage or Marshall if I continue to be so liberal with my lips.
    “That’s exactly why you should pick me.” He breaks out in a killer grin.
    “You know it drives me nuts when

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