Elizabeth Basque - Medium Mysteries 01 - Echo Park
he’s not ready,” Carla stated.
    Julie asked, “How do you know?”
    “I’m not sure. I just know. And I want to help him.”
    “ Maybe if you told me…us…your idea, Carla.”
    But she shook her head. “No, I have to talk with him . Call him back. Please?”
    I recognized determination in Carla’s face and sighed. When had I lost control of this séance? I rolled my eyes.
    “Mack!” I hollered, as if he were just in the next room and I was calling him for lunch. He did respond to my calling. Sometimes. “Mack!”
    We waited. Waited a little more. I called for Mack. I tried to connect with him mentally. Nothing.
    It was early afternoon now. Julie was exhausted, I could tell. And, although I had a job to do, I could do with a little rest.
    Carla had disappeared from Julie’s sight, but Julie could tell she was still around, mostly because I was still talking to the girl.
    “I don’t think they’re coming,” I finally told her.
    Julie yawned outright. “Carla, let’s give him a break,” she said, looking straight at Carla though she didn’t realize it. “Let’s go home.”
    But Carla would have none of it. “You go home, Jules, I can tell you’re tired.” Julie seemed to catch this thought. Amazing. “And, Pauline, I can tell you want a…nap.” She was going to say “drink,” I just knew it. Bless her soul. “I’ll go find him. I know where he chills.”
    No pun intended. I kept a straight face.
    Carla swept over and gave Julie a quick hug, which made Julie smile. To me, she said, “I’ll be back. Don’t worry about me. Tell her not to worry.” Carla gestured to Julie, then disappeared.
    I closed my apartment door, having agreed with Julie that whoever saw Carla or Michael first would call the other.
    Leaning against my side of the door, I realized I was more tired than I’d been in a long time. Helluva day. “And it’s only half over,” I muttered, looking up to the Heavens. “Just a little rest, okay?” I asked to whoever might be listening. The grand Puppet Master in the sky.
    “Just one drink,” I still spoke aloud, justifying to the Puppet Master. And myself. I was tense, I needed to relax. A drink, a cigarette, and then a well-earned nap. I wished I could put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign, lest Mack appear to wake me.
    Two drinks later, I curled up on the couch, my feet tucked under, and adjusted the pillows. I fell asleep instantly.
    Chapter Eighteen
    “ Shhhh…”
    I was still on the couch, but I moaned as I realized I was no longer alone, and my slumber had indeed been interrupted.
    “ Shhhh…” It was clearly Carla, who was trying to be respectful. Mack—for I knew it was Mack who’d made the thump by overturning my large chair, like he always did, and clanked my ashtray on the coffee table—apparently, no longer felt he owed me any grace.
    I opened one eye, spied them both watching me, waiting for me to wake up. “You could have just called my name,” I said grumpily. I stretched my arms and legs. My right arm, which had been comfy under my pillow, was now tingling from lack of circulation.
    “Crap.” I sat up, shook my head for clarity, and began opening and closing my hand. I hated when that happened, when my arm fell asleep along with my mind. It happened more frequently now, but I ignored these symptoms as poor circulation, probably due to lack of exercise.
    “ Sorry.” Carla was sincere. “You looked so peaceful.”
    “ Bah!” Mack exclaimed. “This woman takes a nap every day. Wake up, Bazo.”
    “ Piss off, you old fart,” I said, lighting a cigarette. So much for not smoking inside. I yawned and rose, and, still flexing my hand, made my way into the kitchen for some leftover coffee. I kept my back to Carla as I added a little rum.
    Seated on the couch again, I faced the two of them. “So,” I directed this to Mack, “to what do I owe the honor of your visit this time?”
    Mack opened his mouth, but Carla

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