Elijah: Calhoun Men _ Erotic Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance
and was working on reading through the rules on a game he’d downloaded when Mr. Stark came into his little cubby hole and sat down. Howard had been singled out, he’d thought. Mr. Stark had come to see him.
    “I met your daughter on Friday night. She’s a lovely little thing, isn’t she?” Howard had agreed and wondered what he was to do if he asked her for something. He had no idea where she’d landed her skinny ass. “You should know that kicking her out of your house is something that I don’t condone.”
    “Kicking her out of the...what did she say to you?” Mr. Stark only sat there, and Howard tried to think what the stupid little shit might have said to his boss. “I’m telling you right now that she’s not right in the head. She might be pretty and all, but she’s not smart.”
    “Oh? Is that right?” Howard had nodded. “Well, that’s too bad to hear. I thought she was very intelligent in her manner and words. And cooperative as well. She let me listen in on the phone conversation that she had with you after you abandoned her at my home.”
    “She did what?” Mr. Stark had only sat there, that weird grin on his face. “I was only teaching her a lesson on being nice to people. I don’t think you might have heard it all.”
    “I dialed the phone for her. I was right there the entire conversation.” Howard nodded, not sure how to salvage things. “As I said, I don’t condone that sort of treatment to children. I hope you understand that.”
    “Yes sir. I do. And I’ll make it up to her. I don’t rightly know where she is. The stupid girl didn’t even come home all weekend.” He’d not thought of what she might have been doing at a single time all weekend. Only thought of her when he could almost see her face when she realized that she was on her own. “As soon as I find her, I’ll make her understand that she can’t be bothering you about this anymore.”
    “I would suggest that you leave her where she is. I have a feeling that she’d be better off without you and your family dragging her into your little schemes. Oh, and by the way, you’re fired, Howard.” Howard had stood up then, wanting to hit the man to have him take it back. “These men are here to help you out of my building and the property. You won’t be able to get unemployment, so I’d not even bother with that either.”
    “I can’t lose my job. I have a family to support. This is all her fault.” Mr. Stark had walked away, and the security guards—three of them—told him to go with them. “I have to talk to him. He needs to see reason. She wasn’t even my kid.”
    And now here he was, sitting in a jail cell for no good reason while his boys were out there all on their own, and that stupid girl, who had caused this entire thing, was living it up with a rich bastard.

    Chapter 7
    There was no hope for it. She was going to have to do this the old fashion way. Get to the wolf, have him fuck a human, and create her beasts that way. It would be long in coming, but she figured once she had the first one, she’d just have him breed with every female he could corner and that would move it right along. She closed the books she’d found in the lab without understanding a single word written there. Learning to read hadn’t been something that she’d thought of until now.
    The lab was ruined. Even getting things up and running again wasn’t going to work. She had no one to run things for her. The two men that she’d brought here to work for her had told her that they couldn’t do what she wanted.
    “What do you mean you can’t do it? Of course you can. You just mix my DNA with his cum and then we have a monster.” The first guy had told her that they needed an egg. One of hers. “I don’t have any eggs here. I told you that the power was off and all the eggs that we had here weren’t even fit for an omelet, Basil told me. I’m not sure what you want with them anyway, but if it’s that important, I

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