Elf Killers
every one of the known Elven prophecies. Now, that's what they used to say. At least it's the only place any of them are written down, as far as I know." She paused to study his face. "I've not had a need of such things until now, but I reckon you see my position?"
    "Absolutely, my Queen.”
    "Augh!" she said, batting at the air. "Let's not start that. I still want ye to call me 'Vorona,' even if every last one of you ones do insist on my being Queen. But I think that if I am, I need the wisdom of the prophesies, don't you? Well. Olloo's here."
    Oisin looked up suddenly to see Doona smiling at him instead. "Oh my!" he said, returning her grin. His calf-eyed look alerted Kieran, who at once put on his own smile for her.
    At the sight of them, Olloo knew without turning around that his dear sister had followed him through the gathering and rolled his eyes for Vorona, who gave a wink and spoke up, "The sun may be setting, but that doesn't mean that Doona needs the pair of you mooning at her. You ones need to reach the foot of the mountains by daylight."
    Kieran and Oisin turned red and began grabbing up their panniers as laughter broke out all 'round. Olloo sobered up at once with a stern look from Vorona and dismounted.
    Doona's downy shawk spoogh ran zigzagging forth from amongst the forest of legs and grabbed onto Olloo's trius leggings, twisting and yanking as though she had a death grip on some kind of game. As Olloo stooped, the chick let go and began dancing about, leaping up at Baase, who flicked up his new crest of pinfeathers. 
    "Looks like Onner wants to say goodbye to her brother," giggled Doona as she scooped up her bird.
    "Yea?" said Olloo, "Well, I know a couple fellows who'd like to say goodbye to you too, big sister."
    Doona straightened up as her eyes darted quickly about. "I've already said my farewells in private," she said in a hushed voice as she turned back to him with a stern look.
    "Right. I see how it is," he said, glancing at Oisin and Kieran. "I didn't mean..."
    "Hey, don't worry about it. Just shush it." Suddenly she hugged him. "And just you stay safe all the way to Baile Gairdin and back, you hear?"
    "My plans," he said, as he thought he caught a flicker of dread in her eye.
    "Our turn," said Onora, as she and Brenden pulled Olloo into a firm hug.
    Olloo stepped back with a grin and a bow as he doffed his hat. He turned about smartly, mounted Mas and sauntered away through the throng, waving as he brushed by Doona and Lilee, who had their heads together in whispers. 
    The sun vanished from sight, leaving rosy streaks in the western sky and a fiery red lip along the crown of Carraig Faire. Larks tinkled overhead, far out of sight. At last Olloo's family and Lilee turned their backs on the great sea of grass and set out to join the others atop the great rock. Brenden and Onora had climbed well out of sight before Doona and Lilee began speaking in more than just murmurs and started their slow climb, each carefully cradling her hen-sized strike falcon chick. The rock was still quite warm from the day's sun. Doona reached a nice flat spot up the side and turned to sit in it while Lilee caught up. "Do you realize that Oisin and Kieran are all we ever talk about nowadays?" she said as she settled Onner into her lap and peered over the side. "Oh. Do be careful... And our strike falcons... and pretty new dresses. How are we ever to make them 'way out here?"
    "You hardly have to worry about dresses, Doona. You already have the three handsomest young men ever. I mean, Olloo doesn't count, since he's your brother, but you get to live with him. I mean Oisin and Kieran have gotten so loony over you, you need to choose. Really. You know, just to be kind to both of them."
    "Oh I have, really..."
    Lilee gave a squeal and a bounce, sending a peppering of stones skittering down the side of the great rock.
    "I'm glad you're excited, you silly goose, but I don't know what I'd do if you slipped..."
    "Who, Doona?"

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