Educating Jane Porter
she’d spent the night with. She could see him in the role of philanthropist. The way he’d wrapped his arms around her as they sat in the window indicated a gentle, caring side. She hadn’t expected that from a one-night stand.
    Well, a weekend stand.
    “He’s a really nice guy.” Jane reached for her glass.
    “But that’s not what I want to hear.” Lily eyes gleamed. “Is he a kitten or a tiger in bed?”
    Jane began to laugh. Leave it to Lily to cut to the heart of the matter.
    “Definitely the latter.”
    “I knew it!” Lily slapped her hand against the table. “He has that look that screams ‘Wild Man’. You know, according to Mia, Dirk’s housekeeper, Antonio’s sexual exploits are…um…legendary.”
    “Really?” Jane lowered her voice and leaned forward even though no one else was on the terrace. She wanted to be sure no one overheard them gossiping. “How so?”
    “I guess he and Giselle stayed here on numerous occasions when they were together.” Lily leaned toward Jane. “Mia said they had sex in practically every room of the house.”
    Jane’s eyes widened. That was a lot of sex.
    “They were like rabbits.” Lily leaned back. “Well, he’s young, and they say he’s insatiable.”
    Yes, he is…
    “And he can get multiple erections in a short period of time.”
    Oh yeah…
    “Then there’s his sexual wingman—”
    “Wait a minute.” Jane frowned. “A what?”
    “A wingman. You know, someone who hangs with the leader and follows him—”
    “I know what a wingman is.” Jane interrupted. “But what is a sexual wingman?”
    “They like to bed the same woman.”
    “They share their women?”
    “No, Virgin Mary,” Lily snorted. “They like to bed the same women at the same time. You know, a ménage?”
    Jane swallowed hard. Last night Antonio had mentioned a friend, someone named Santos. He’d called him a good friend. Surely he wouldn’t…
    “His name?” Jane’s voice was little more than a whisper. “What is his wingman’s name?”
    “I don’t remember for sure but I think it was something Spanish.” Oblivious to her friend’s torment, Lily was busy inspecting her red nails. “Santino, Santiago or maybe it was Greek. Xanos maybe?”
    “That’s it.” Their gazes met and her friend’s eyes narrowed. “Did Antonio mention him?”
    “Just briefly—”
    “Girl… You’d better not be holding out on me.” Lily reached for the champagne bottle. “I’ll take away your key to the executive washroom.”
    “We don’t have an—”
    “Well, when we get one I’ll have to give you the key then immediately take it away again.”
    “Will you focus, please?” Jane snapped. “So they take a woman, one woman, to bed? Together?”
    “They’ve been doing it for years. One of Mia’s friends was their playmate for a while, and now the woman will only have sex with two men at a time.” Lily laughed. “I think they ruined her for any man flying solo.”
    Jane wasn’t a complete dunce. She enjoyed reading ménage romances, but she’d never thought she’d meet someone who actually lived the lifestyle. There was something very naughty about just thinking of a ménage, naughty yet arousing at the same time.
    “That’s too bad, that they ruined her I mean.” She downed the last of her champagne.
    “Who are you kidding?” Lily’s gaze took on a faraway look. “Can you imagine? Two men in your bed and all of the focus is on you and your pleasure. Yummy. Where do I sign up?”
    After spending last night with Antonio, Jane could imagine it. Then again, she wasn’t sure she’d survive two men at once. Antonio had tested her stamina last night, but two men!
    A ripple of heat washed through her pussy.
    “Peter did accuse me of being insatiable.” Jane shifted in her chair.
    “Asshole.” Lily snapped back to attention. “He was too busy looking at himself in the mirror to keep up with you.”
    Jane snickered. She wanted to enjoy her orgasmic

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