Educating Jane Porter
yellow cloth and a bowl of fresh daisies. Before they were seated, Richard appeared with the champagne and glasses on a silver serving tray.
    “Thank you, Richard.” Jane took her seat. “The terrace looks lovely.”
    “Thank you, Ms. Porter.” The man beamed. “I’ll pass your words on to my staff.” He poured them each a glass before leaving.
    “Let’s drink to your newfound sexual prowess.” Lily hiked her glass. “It’s been a long time coming.”
    “I’d rather drink to us.” Jane raised her glass.
    “And to a night of the most amazing sex ever.” Lily’s eyes gleamed with amusement.
    “And may there be many, many more.”
    They touched glasses then Jane took a sip. The champagne was crisp, perfectly chilled and tasted just a little too good.
    Even though it was barely nine in the morning, she couldn’t help but feel hopelessly decadent. After last night, drinking champagne in the morning seemed tame in comparison. What next? Chocolate cake for breakfast?
    Lily touched Jane’s arm. “You have to tell me all.”
    “The only thing I have to do is assist with setting up the buffet.” Jane teased.
    “It can wait.” Lily waved her hand. “After last night, no one will be down before ten at the earliest.”
    “Only if they were lucky.”
    “How did you manage to hook up with Antonio?” Lily’s gaze drilled into hers. “I want all the details.”
    “Well, we ran into each other last night—”
    “How? What did he say to you?” Lily snagged the bottle and topped off Jane’s glass. “Did he come on to you first?”
    Memories of last night’s erotic show and Antonio’s sexy voice in her ear washed over her. He’d definitely made the first move, and what a move it was… Her nipples hardened.
    “He did, didn’t he?” Lily’s truck-horn laugh had Jane both wincing and blushing at the same time. “I knew it.”
    “You’re such a liar.”
    “Am not. Ever since you accepted the invitation I’ve had a feeling about it. Jean Jacques mentioned Antonio’s weakness for curvy blondes. I figured, after his last toy, he’d go for a grown-up for a change.” She raised her glass in Jane’s direction. “His taste is improving.”
    “What was he last girlfriend like?”
    Jane wanted to bite her tongue even as the words came out. Hooking up with Antonio had been an aberration, a once-in-a-lifetime event that would read well in her future autobiography, after she made her first billion of course. She’d already decided on a title, Born Again Virgin, the Jane Porter Story .
    Then again, after Antonio she might need to revise the title to The Closet Hussy, the Death of Jane Porter’s Love Life . In her opinion, the chance of finding a man who was half the lover Antonio was, was pretty slim.
    “Giselle is beautiful, sexy, a complete airhead and manipulating gold-digger to boot.” Lily shrugged. “She’s totally forgettable, which is why I’m so pleased he hooked up with you. I enjoy it when a good man realizes what’s really important in a woman.”
    “Like what? A 401K?”
    “You’re so not funny.”
    “But how do you know he’s a good man?” Jane asked. “You only met him a few weeks ago.”
    “It was several months ago and I listen to what people say. Dirk, Kitten, Jean Jacques, they all think a great deal of him. Hell, even the household staff adores him.” Lily refilled her glass. “With the exception of his ex-plaything, I’ve yet to hear anything negative.”
    “So he has the Lily Tyler seal of approval?”
    “And you know how hard it is to accomplish that. Hell, I don’t like anyone.” Lily grinned. “He seems to be a genuinely good guy. A few weeks ago he and Kitten were discussing the funding of after-school centers here in Denver. The goal is to give children of working parents a place to go where they’re safe and can use computers or play basketball. They want to hire us to plan the grand opening festivities.”
    Jane thought about the man

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