Eden's Charms
    In their Manhattan studio, Lucian set Elyza down in haste, with no good night kiss or lullaby. He turned to Serina and said one thing before becoming one with the floor.
    Serina glanced around her penthouse and did the one thing she’d vowed to never do again.
    Hated it when it happened because nothing good ever came from losing control of emotions, but this time she surrendered to the chaos.
    All of her family’s pain, frustrations, fears, and doubts, time’s infinity swallowed her whole. She now knew what it felt like to be inside a boa constrictor fighting to get out.
    Two hundred and forty pounds of dead weight lay sprawled out in front of her, bleeding and barely breathing. Lucian and Raven seemed to be sailing on the same ship, the Titanic and Serina didn’t fancy the ending to that particular tragedy.
    Whoever orchestrated this got their monies’ worth. Tenfold! Every single member of the St. James’ family were linked together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. With one missing piece, the puzzle didn’t work. The picture wasn’t complete. For one hundred years it’s how this family survived, all eleven of them. All for one and one for all.
    Jonah squeezed a wet cloth out across Raven’s face and neck to bring her out of her spell. Raven’s eyes ricocheted like a pinball being flipped around as she came to.
    Savanah sat hysterical with her mother wrapped in her arms. Once Raven had her equilibrium back she crawled to Savanah and held them both.
    Serrie? André’s been hurt. Donovan just contacted me. I can’t do this again.
    I know, Raven. Lucian’s face down on the floor too. I felt it as well, the second the bullets penetrated André.
    Serrie, Jovan’s down. She’s having twins. What the hell’s happening?
    It seems the devil came knocking on our door, and we stupidly let him in.
    The devil’s advocate, Serrie, and his name is Ethan.
    Serina screamed, “Damn you, Mum, for never teaching me how to evanesce. I could be up there by now helping everyone, but n-o-o-o! I’m stuck here. Some witch I am.”
    Serrie, Donovan told me he can bring André over. He said it’s the only way to save him. What will happen to Luce and Jovan and the babies if they feel him really gone from us?
    Keep talking to them, Raven. They can hear you. It will give them a bittersweet hope to cling to. Do it. Allow Donovan to do this.
    Serina? Do you need me? I heard some ungratuitous words related to my wellbeing roll from your lips.
    Oh, Mother, you brain beep me now? In the middle of trying to save the world and you are like Typhoid Mary spreading the plague. That was you, right? So if you’ve nothing constructive to offer other than criticisms…
    Serina, I’m in Saratoga. I followed the news trail, and I came looking for you. I want to meet my granddaughter. I know something’s happened. Tell me. I can help. I owe your family a great debt. Let me start to repay them.
    That stopped Serina in her tracks and without further hesitation Serina filled her mother in on the details and directions to the house.
    Serina, care for your husband. Place your child in his arms. Once he feels her presence his life will once again be on a forward path.
    She’s a baby. She doesn’t have the powers to heal yet.
    Never underestimate the eternal bond and love a parent feels for their child, Serina. She will heal his heart without medicines. He will feel her and realize if his brother does not survive, he will and he has the most important reason in the world too. Tell André’s daughter to hold closely to her mother until I am there. Tell her to not let go and continue talking to her parents. I am close by now, crossing the small bridge. Keep your mind open to me. Together we are of one mind, one goal. Life.
    Mother, don’t hurt them! Habit or fear, the words hit the airway. Would she always have a chunk of animosity reserved for her mother? Serina silently made the sign of the cross against her

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