Ecstasy (A Contemporary Romance)
    She walked back into the bar and handed Zane
the plastic bag. He opened it, and when he saw her white cotton
underpants lying in the bottom of the bag, he smiled. Jolene headed
for the piano to warm up, and when she sat down on the piano stool
she was distinctly aware of a pressure against her clitoris.
    She stole a glance at Zane, and wondered if
this is what he had planned for her, but he was on the phone and
didn’t so much as look at her.
    Jolene smiled a small smile and felt the tips
of her breasts tingling behind her white cotton bra. Now that she
knew Zane wanted her to play piano all night for his customers with
a solid reminder of what was to come later pressing against her
already swollen flesh, it took a great deal of effort for her to
concentrate on playing scales to warm up her fingers.
    An hour later she was playing the chorus to
Billy Joel’s “Piano Man”, which had just been requested by one of
the regulars, when she felt something funny happening between her
legs. She missed a note and then quickly covered with a vamp up the
ivory keyboard to make it sound like she was playing Billy’s song
wrong on purpose.
    Then she felt it again, a quick jolt of
energy pulsing against her clit. She looked up in confusion, but
she didn’t lose her place in the song this time. Zane was standing
behind the bar watching her carefully.
    What the heck is wrong with these panties,
she wondered as she played into the last rousing chorus of the
song. Suddenly, the buzzing started up again between her thighs,
but this time she knew that somehow, some way, Zane was manning the
controls to her cunt.
    As her nipples grew rock-hard and incredibly
sensitive, as her clitoris grew engorged by the stimulation of the
vibrating thong, she played louder and louder, faster and faster,
hoping the booming piano would mask the whimpers that escaped her
as wave upon wave of pleasure shook her to her very core.
    When the orgasm had finished ripping through
her and she played the final line of the song, she paused for a
moment to catch her breath, staring unseeingly at the song sheets
in front of her.
    She now knew two things for sure.
    Zane Michels was, indeed, the devil.
    And she, Jolene Mackenzie, had most
definitely strayed onto the path of evil.
    Candace saved her document and looked up
through the window of her office just as the sun was rising in the
night sky. She slumped back against her chair feeling equal parts
pride and remorse.
    On the one hand, she was writing the best
damn erotica of her life. On the other hand, with every page she
wrote, she felt guiltier and guiltier about abusing Charlie’s
trust. The problem was simple: She may have promised not to reveal
the content of their lessons to anyone, but once the words started
to come to her, she couldn’t stop herself.
    It was just how she felt when she was with
    Completely, utterly out of control.
    * * *
    Done with her writing for the day, Candace
picked up the pile of bills and magazines and took them into the
kitchen with her. The words EROTICA CONTEST caught her eye and she
pulled the leaflet out from the stack of envelopes and read:
    Do you have an erotic manuscript that
would knock our panties off? If so, you should enter the
15 th annual Erotic Writer’s Contest.
If your manuscript makes it to the finals, your book will be read
by a panel of top editors. A secret celebrity judge will present
the winner his or her award, along with a $10,000 grand prize
check! Enter now!

    Candace usually threw contest solicitations
out, but that was because she knew she didn’t have something that
could win. The wheels started turning in her head.
    “No,” she said aloud in her empty kitchen. “I
can’t do it. It’s not right.”
    The wicked little voice inside her said, Come on Candace. You know you’ve got a winner on your hands.
Charlie will never know.
    She tried to ignore the voice, but it just
got louder, saying, This is the entire reason

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