Echoes Through the Mist: A Paranormal Mystery (The Echoes Quartet Book 1)

Echoes Through the Mist: A Paranormal Mystery (The Echoes Quartet Book 1) by K. Francis Ryan

Book: Echoes Through the Mist: A Paranormal Mystery (The Echoes Quartet Book 1) by K. Francis Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Francis Ryan
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continued, “You were knocked down. Sean Maher struck you. The room has been darkened and you have a compress over your eyes as a precaution.”
    “Precaution against what?”
    “Well, a blow to the side of the head could have done nasty things to your eyesight temporarily, but, as easily, it could be far worse – a detached retina, although I seriously doubt that. You could have a concussion for all we know, but I doubt that too. There really is no way of knowing right now. Symptoms could show up immediately or a week later. Any punch delivered by Sean Maher is always serious business.”
    Julian tried to focus. It wasn’t working. “If it’s a concussion. I’m not supposed to go to sleep because I won’t wake up. I heard that somewhere.”
    “Then you listen to odd things from even odder sources,” the voice said softly. “Concussions happen when your brain violently bangs the inside of your skull. One of the primary symptoms of a concussion is fatigue.
    “Your body,” the voice continued, “is experiencing fatigue in order to tell you that your brain needs rest. Rest is, in fact, one of the best possible ways to treat a concussion.
    “Not to worry though, we’ll have you taken to a proper hospital where you can receive proper care from a top flight specialist,” the voice said leaving acid in its wake.
    “That’s okay. I’ll take Dr. Dwyer’s opinion for what should be done. When can I speak with him?” Julian said.
    Julian felt the woman move closer to him. Her voice became softer still and low as though she were sharing an intimacy. He could feel her breath on his ear and smell her hair. She whispered, “You are.”
    “Are what?” That voice, there was something about it. “Sweet Jesus!” He thought suddenly as he placed the voice. “She hadn’t been whispering when she came to the station to tell me what an idiot I was!” He tried to sit up, but the doctor pushed him down.
    “You have Dr. Dwyer’s opinion for what should be done. I don’t know if you noticed, but I am not a he,” she said. My name is Ailís Dwyer, Doctor Ailís Dwyer if you like or Doctor Dwyer or just Doctor, whatever pleases you, Constable Blessing.”
    Julian tried to repeat the doctor’s name. Doctor and Dwyer came out well, but the first name was a jumbled mess. His tongue was thick and his mind even more so.
    “EYE-lish,” Dr. Dwyer corrected. “You’ll get used to it.”
    Julian weakly insisted he was not a policeman just before he lolled to the side and fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.
    Dr. Dwyer smoothed back her patient’s hair and then inspected again the lump on his head. She followed the contour of his cheek with her long fingers and admired the plane of his face, the broad forehead and the strong jaw. She smiled when she thought of her first encounter with him. She looked at his lips now and decided she was having decidedly undoctor-like thoughts again.
    “You’re a fish out of water, Julian Blessing, but a rather handsome fish I think,” she said in a voice just above a whisper. The doctor smiled.
    She moved from Julian’s bedside into the station proper, drawing the curtain behind her. “Moira Hagan! What are you doing! You can’t do that. Leave his things alone this instant,” the doctor said. She was trying to keep her voice down. A whispered shout loses much of its power to persuade.
    “Well, dear,” the Hagan said, “what does it look like I’m doing? I’m searching the man’s things. Fortunately, you kept him busy so I wouldn’t be disturbed with my work. Don’t worry yourself though, I’m nearly done. If you come help we’ll be done all the sooner.” The older woman was meticulous in her examination of Julian’s belongings and had them spread over the entire top of the station’s desk.
    “You’ll not get me mixed up in this outrage. The man is entitled to his privacy. Besides what difference does it make, he’ll be moving on soon I’m sure,” the doctor responded

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